671.13—Waste management for the USAP.
In order to provide a basis for tracking USAP wastes, and to facilitate studies aimed at evaluating the environmental impacts of scientific activity and logistic support, the USAP shall classify its wastes in one of the following categories:
Sewage and domestic liquid wastes;
Other liquid wastes and chemicals, including fuels and lubricants;
Solid wastes to be combusted;
Other solid wastes; and
Radioactive material.
USAP shall prepare and annually review and update a waste management plan (including plans for waste reduction, storage and disposal) specifying for each of its permanent stations, field camps and ships (other than small boats that are part of the operations of permanent stations or are otherwise taken into account in existing management plans for ships):
Current and planned waste management arrangements, including final disposal;
Current and planned arrangement for assessing the environmental effects of waste and waste management;
Other efforts to minimize environmental effects of wastes and waste management; and
Programs for cleaning up existing waste disposal sites and abandoned work sites.
USAP shall designate one or more waste management officials to develop and monitor waste management plans and ensure that members of expeditions receive training so as to limit the impact of their activities on the Antarctic environment, and to inform them of the requirements of the Protocol and of this Part.
USAP shall, to the extent practicable, prepare an inventory of locations of past activities (i.e., traverses, fuel depots, field bases, crashed aircraft) so that such locations can be taken into account in planning future scientific, logistic and waste management programs.
USAP shall clean up its past and present waste disposal sites on land and abandoned work sites, except that it shall not be required to:
Remove any structure designated as a historic site or monument; or
Remove any structure or waste in circumstances where the removal would result in greater adverse environmental impact than leaving the structure or waste in its existing location.
USAP shall circulate waste management plans and inventories described in this section in accordance with the requirements of the Treaty and the Protocol.