The Commission will publish in the Federal Register at least annually a notice of the existence and character of the systems of records which it maintains. Such notice will include:
The name and location of each system;
The categories of individuals on whom the records are maintained in each system;
The categories of records maintained in each system;
Each routine use of the records contained in each system including the categories of users and the purpose of each use;
The policies and practices of the Commission regarding storage, retrievability, access controls, retention, and disposal of the records;
The title and business address of the agency official who is responsible for each system of records;
Commission procedures whereby an individual can be notified if a system of records contains a record pertaining to that individual;
Commission procedures whereby an individual can be notified how to gain access to any record pertaining to that individual contained in a system of records, and how to contest its content, and
The categories of sources of records in each system.