310.20—What are the conditions for funding the installation, operation, maintenance and enhancement of Computerized Tribal IV-D Systems and Office Automation?
(a) Conditions that must be met for FFP at the applicable matching rate in
The following conditions must be met to obtain 90 percent FFP in the costs of installation of the Model Tribal IV-D System and FFP at the applicable matching rate under § 309.130(c) of this chapter in the costs of operation, maintenance, and enhancement of a Computerized Tribal IV-D System:
A comprehensive Tribal IV-D agency must have submitted, and OCSE must have approved, an Advance Planning Document (APD) for the installation and enhancement of a Computerized Tribal IV-D System;
An APD for installation of a Computerized Tribal IV-D System must:
Represent the sole systems effort being undertaken by the comprehensive Tribal IV-D agency under this part;
Describe the projected resource requirements for staff, hardware, software, network connections and other needs and the resources available or expected to be available to meet the requirements;
Contain a proposed schedule of project milestones with detail sufficient to describe the tasks, activities, and complexity of the initial implementation project;
Contain a proposed budget including a description of expenditures by category and amount for items related to installing, operating, maintaining, and enhancing the Computerized Tribal IV-D System; and
Contain a statement that the comprehensive Tribal IV-D agency agrees in writing to use the Computerized Tribal IV-D System for a minimum period of time;
The following conditions, in addition to those in paragraphs (a)(1) and (2) of this section, must be met to obtain FFP in the installation costs of access to a State or another comprehensive Tribal IV-D program's ADP system established under an Intergovernmental Service Agreement. The comprehensive Tribal IV-D agency must:
Maintain a copy of each intergovernmental cooperative agreement and Service Agreement in its files for Federal review; and
Service Agreement for which FFP is being sought, meets the definition of a Service Agreement as defined in § 310.1 of this title ;
Claims for FFP conform to the timely claim provisions of part 95 subpart A of this title; and
Service Agreement was not previously disapproved by the Department.
The following conditions, in addition to those in paragraphs (a)(1) through (3) of this section, must be met in order for a comprehensive Tribal IV-D agency to obtain FFP in the costs of enhancements to its Computerized Tribal IV-D System:
The project's Total Acquisition Cost cannot exceed the comprehensive Tribal IV-D agency's total Tribal IV-D program grant award for the year in which the acquisition request is made; and
The APD budget, schedule and commitment to use the Computerized Tribal IV-D System for a specified minimum period of time must be updated to reflect the enhancement project.
To receive FFP in the costs of the operation and maintenance of a Computerized Tribal IV-D System installed under § 310.20 or developed under § 309.145(h)(5), which refers to a Tribal automated data processing system that is funded entirely with Tribal funds, the comprehensive Tribal IV-D agency must include operation and maintenance costs in its annual Title IV-D program budget submission in accordance with § 309.15(c) of this chapter ;
To receive FFP in the costs of the installation, operation, and maintenance of essential Office Automation capabilities, the comprehensive Tribal IV-D agency must include such costs in its annual Title IV-D program budget submission in accordance with § 309.15(c) of this chapter ;
Procedure for
APD Submittal. The comprehensive Tribal IV-D agency must submit an APD for a Computerized Tribal IV-D System to the Commissioner of OCSE, Attention: Division of State and Tribal Systems. The APD submitted by the comprehensive Tribal IV-D agency must be approved and signed by the comprehensive Tribal IV-D agency Director and the appropriate Tribal officials prior to submission to OCSE for approval.