For all cases referred to the IV-D agency or applying for services under § 302.33 in which the obligation to support and the amount of the obligation have been established, the IV-D agency must maintain and use an effective system for:
Monitoring compliance with the support obligation;
Identifying on the date the parent fails to make payments in an amount equal to the support payable for one month, or on an earlier date in accordance with State law, those cases in which there is a failure to comply with the support obligation; and
Enforcing the obligation by:
Initiating income withholding, in accordance with § 303.100 ;
Taking any appropriate enforcement action (except income withholding and Federal and State income tax refund offset) unless service of process is necessary, within no more than 30 calendar days of identifying a delinquency or other support-related non-compliance with the order or the location of the noncustodial parent, whichever occurs later. If service of process is necessary prior to taking an enforcement action, service must be completed (or unsuccessful attempts to serve process must be documented in accordance with the State's guidelines defining diligent efforts under § 303.3(c) ), and enforcement action taken if process is served, within no later than 60 calendar days of identifying a delinquency or other support-related non-compliance with the order, or the location of the noncustodial parent, whichever occurs later;
Submitting once a year all cases which meet the certification requirements under § 303.102 of this part and State guidelines developed under § 302.70(b) of this title for State income tax refund offset, and which meet the certification requirements under § 303.72 of this part for Federal income tax refund offset; and
In cases in which enforcement attempts have been unsuccessful, at the time an attempt to enforce fails, examining the reason the enforcement attempt failed and determining when it would be appropriate to take an enforcement action in the future, and taking an enforcement action in accordance with the requirements of this section at that time.
[54 FR 32310, Aug. 4, 1989, as amended at 55 FR 25840, June 25, 1990]