Definition. Location means information concerning the physical whereabouts of the noncustodial parent, or the noncustodial parent's employer(s), other sources of income or assets, as appropriate, which is sufficient and necessary to take the next appropriate action in a case.
For all cases referred to the IV-D agency or applying for services under § 302.33 of this chapter, the IV-D agency must attempt to locate all noncustodial parents or sources of income and/or assets when location is necessary to take necessary action. Under this standard, the IV-D agency must:
Use appropriate location sources such as the Federal PLS; interstate location networks; local officials and employees administering public assistance, general assistance, medical assistance, food stamps and social services (whether such individuals are employed by the State or a political subdivision); relatives and friends of the noncustodial parent; current or past employers; the local telephone company; the U.S. Postal Service; financial references; unions; fraternal organizations; and police, parole, and probation records if appropriate; and State agencies and departments, as authorized by State law, including those departments which maintain records of public assistance, wages and employment, unemployment insurance, income taxation, driver's licenses, vehicle registration, and criminal records and other sources;
Establish working relationships with all appropriate agencies in order to utilize locate resources effectively;
Within no more than 75 calendar days of determining that location is necessary, access all appropriate location sources, including transmitting appropriate cases to the Federal PLS, and ensure that location information is sufficient to take the next appropriate action in a case;
Refer appropriate cases to the IV-D agency of any other State, in accordance with the requirements of § 303.7 of this part. The IV-D agency of such other State shall follow the procedures in paragraphs (b)(1) through (b)(3) of this section for such cases, as necessary, except that the responding State is not required to access the Federal PLS under paragraph (b)(3) of this section;
Repeat location attempts in cases in which previous attempts to locate noncustodial parents or sources of income and/or assets have failed, but adequate identifying and other information exists to meet requirements for submittal for location, either quarterly or immediately upon receipt of new information which may aid in location, whichever occurs sooner. Quarterly attempts may be limited to automated sources but must include accessing State employment security files. Repeated attempts because of new information which may aid in location must meet the requirements of paragraph (b)(3) of this section; and
The State must establish guidelines defining diligent efforts to serve process. These guidelines must include periodically repeating service of process attempts in cases in which previous attempts to serve process have failed, but adequate identifying and other information exists to attempt service of process.
[54 FR 32310, Aug. 4, 1989, as amended at 55 FR 25840, June 25, 1990; 57 FR 28110, June 24, 1992; 57 FR 31235, July 14, 1992; 64 FR 6249, Feb. 9, 1999]
Code of Federal Regulations
Effective Date Note:
At 73 FR 56443, Sept. 26, 2008, § 303.3 was revised, effective Mar. 23, 2009. At 74 FR 23798, May 21, 2009, the effective date was delayed until Dec. 30, 2010. For the convenience of the user, the revised text is set forth as follows:
§ 303.3
Location of noncustodial parents in IV-D cases.
(a) Definition. For purposes of this section, location means obtaining information concerning the physical whereabouts of the noncustodial parent, or the noncustodial parent's employer(s), other sources of income or assets, as appropriate, which is sufficient and necessary to take the next appropriate action in a IV-D case.
(b) For all cases referred to the IV-D program for IV-D services because of an assignment of support rights or cases opened upon application for IV-D services under § 302.33 of this chapter, the IV-D program must attempt to locate all noncustodial parents or their sources of income and/or assets when location is needed to take a necessary action. Under this standard, the IV-D program must:
(1) Use appropriate location sources such as the Federal PLS; interstate location networks; local officials and employees administering public assistance, general assistance, medical assistance, food stamps, and social services (whether such individuals are employed by the State or a political subdivision); relatives and friends of the noncustodial parent, current or past employers; the local telephone company; the U.S. Postal Service; financial references; unions; fraternal organizations; and police, parole, and probation records, if appropriate; and State agencies and departments, as authorized by State law, including those departments which maintain records of public assistance, wages and employment, unemployment insurance, income taxation, driver's licenses, vehicle registration, and criminal records and other sources;
(2) Establish working relationships with all appropriate agencies in order to use locate resources effectively;
(3) Within no more than 75 calendar days of determining that location is necessary, access all appropriate location sources and ensure that location information is sufficient to take the next appropriate action in a case;
(4) Refer appropriate IV-D cases to the IV-D program of any other State, in accordance with the requirements of § 303.7 of this part. The IV-D program of such other State shall follow the procedures in paragraphs (b)(1) through (b)(3) of this section for such cases, as necessary, except that the responding State is not required to access the Federal PLS;
(5) Repeat location attempts in cases in which previous attempts to locate noncustodial parents or sources of income and/or assets have failed, but adequate identifying and other information exists to meet requirements for submittal for location, either quarterly or immediately upon receipt of new information which may aid in location, whichever occurs sooner. Quarterly attempts may be limited to automated sources, but must include accessing State employment security files. Repeated attempts because of new information which may aid in location must meet the requirements of paragraph (b)(3) of this section; and
(6) Have in effect safeguards, applicable to all confidential information handled by the IV-D program, that are designed to protect the privacy rights of the parties and that comply with the requirements of sections 454(26) and 454A(d) and (f) of the Act and §§ 303.21 and 307.13
(c) The State must establish guidelines defining diligent efforts to serve process. These guidelines must include periodically repeating service of process attempts in cases in which previous attempts to serve process have failed, but adequate identifying and other information exists to attempt service of process.