30.33—Prompt referral.
The Secretary promptly shall refer to Justice for litigation debts on which aggressive collection activity has been taken in accordance with subpart B of this part, and that cannot be compromised, or on which collection activity cannot be suspended or terminated, in accordance with subpart D of this part.
The Secretary may refer to Justice for litigation those debts arising out of activities of, or referred or transferred for collection services to, the Department.
Debts for which the principal amount is over $1,000,000, or such other amount as the Attorney General may direct, exclusive of interest, penalties, and administrative costs shall be referred to the Civil Division or other division responsible for litigating such debts at the Department of Justice, Washington DC.
Debts for which the principal amount is $1,000,000 or less, or such other amount as the Attorney General may direct, exclusive of interest, penalties, and administrative costs shall be referred to the Nationwide Central Intake Facility at Justice as required by the CCLR instructions.
Consistent with aggressive agency collection activity and the standards contained in this part and 31 CFR parts 900 through 904, debts shall be referred to Justice as early as possible, and, in any event, well within the period for initiating timely lawsuits against the debtors.
The Secretary shall make every effort to refer delinquent debts to Justice for litigation within one year of the date such debts last became delinquent. In the case of guaranteed or insured loans, the Secretary will make every effort to refer these delinquent debts to Justice for litigation within one year from the date the loan was presented to the Department for payment or re-insurance.
Justice has exclusive jurisdiction over debts referred to it pursuant to this subpart. Upon referral of a debt to Justice, the Secretary shall:
Immediately terminate the use of any administrative collection activities to collect the debt;
Advise Justice of the collection activities utilized to date, and their result; and
Refrain from having any contact with the debtor and direct all debtor inquiries concerning the debt to Justice.
After referral of a debt under this subpart, the Secretary shall immediately notify the Department of Justice of any payments credited by the Department to the debtor's account. Pursuant to 31 CFR 904.1(b), after referral of the debt under this subpart, Justice shall notify the Secretary of any payment received from the debtor.