286.40—May a Tribe use the Tribal Family Assistance Grant to fund IDAs ?
If the Tribe elects to operate an IDA program, it may use Federal TANF funds or WtW funds to fund IDAs for individuals who are eligible for TANF assistance and may exercise flexibility within the limits of Federal regulations and the statute.
The following restrictions apply to IDA funds:
A recipient may deposit only earned income into an IDA.
A recipient's contributions to an IDA may be matched by, or through, a qualified entity.
A recipient may withdraw funds only for the following reasons:
To cover post-secondary education expenses, if the amount is paid directly to an eligible educational institution;
For the recipient to purchase a first home, if the amount is paid directly to the person to whom the amounts are due and it is a qualified acquisition cost for a qualified principal residence by a qualified first-time buyer; or
For business capitalization, if the amounts are paid directly to a business capitalization account in a federally insured financial institution and used for a qualified business capitalization expense.
To prevent recipients from withdrawing funds held in an IDA improperly, Tribes may do the following:
Count withdrawals as earned income in the month of withdrawal, unless already counted as income,
Count withdrawals as resources in determining eligibility, or
Take such other steps as the Tribe has established in its Tribal plan or written Tribal policies to deter inappropriate use.