In reviewing an application for a grant or a subgrant, the Corporation, a State Commission, or a grantmaking entity will apply the following criteria: (a) The quality of the program proposed.
The innovation of, and feasibility of replicating, the program.
The sustainability of the program, based on—
Strong and broad-based community support;
Multiple funding sources or private funding; and
Coordination with the State Plan under § 2550.80(a) of this chapter and other federally-assisted activities.
The quality of the leadership of the program, past performance of the program, and the extent to which the program builds on existing programs.
The applicant's efforts—
To recruit participants from among residents of the communities in which projects would be conducted;
To ensure that the projects are open to participants of different ages, races, genders, ethnicities, abilities and disabilities, and economic backgrounds; and
To involve participants and community residents in the design, leadership, and operation of the program.
The extent to which projects would be located in areas that are—
Empowerment zones, redevelopment areas, or other areas with high concentrations of low-income people; or
Environmentally distressed.
[59 FR 13790, Mar. 23, 1994, as amended at 73 FR 53759, Sept. 17, 2008]