For the purposes of this part:
Debarment means an action taken by the Corporation to exclude a recipient from receiving an additional award of financial assistance from the Corporation or from receiving additional LSC funds from another recipient of the Corporation pursuant to a subgrant, subcontract or similar agreement, for the period of time stated in the final debarment decision.
Knowing and willful means that the recipient had actual knowledge of the fact that its action or lack thereof constituted a violation and despite such knowledge, undertook or failed to undertake the action.
Recipient means any grantee or contractor receiving financial assistance from the Corporation under section 1006(a)(1)(A) of the LSC Act.
Termination means that a recipient's level of financial assistance under its grant or contract with the Corporation will be reduced in whole or in part prior to the expiration of the term of a recipient's current grant or contract. A partial termination will affect only the recipient's current year's funding, unless the Corporation provides otherwise in the final termination decision.
A termination does not include:
A reduction of funding required by law, including a reduction in or rescission of the Corporation's appropriation that is apportioned among all recipients of the same class in proportion to their current level of funding;
A reduction or deduction of LSC support for a recipient under the Corporation's fund balance regulation at 45 CFR part 1628 ;
A recovery of disallowed costs under the Corporation's regulation on costs standards and procedures at 45 CFR part 1630 ;
A withholding of funds pursuant to the Corporation's Private Attorney Involvement rule at 45 CFR Part 1614; or
A reduction of funding of less than 5 percent of a recipient's current annual level of financial assistance imposed by the Corporation in accordance with regulations promulgated by the Corporation. No such reduction shall be imposed except in accordance with regulations promulgated by the Corporation.