1388.4—Program criteria—governance and administration.
Introduction to governance and administration: The UAP must be associated with, or an integral part of, a university and promote the independence, productivity, integration, and inclusion of individuals with developmental disabilities and their families. (The concept of “diverse network” as defined in § 1388.1 of this part applies to paragraphs (b), (c), (d), (i), and (l) of this section.)
The UAP must have a written agreement or charter with the university that specifies the UAP designation as an official university component, the relationships between the UAP and other university components, the university commitment to the UAP, and the UAP commitment to the university.
Within the university, the UAP must maintain the autonomy and organizational structure required to carry out the UAP mission and provide for the mandated activities.
The UAP must report directly to a University administrator who will represent the interests of the UAP within the University.
The University must demonstrate its support for the UAP through the commitment of financial and other resources.
UAP senior professional staff must hold faculty appointments in appropriate academic departments of the host or an affiliated university, consistent with university policy. UAP senior professional staff contribute to the university by participation on university committees, collaboration with other university departments, and other university community activities.
UAP faculty and staff must represent the broad range of disciplines and backgrounds necessary to implement the full inclusion of individuals with developmental disabilities in all aspects of society, consonant with the spirit of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
The UAP must meet the requirements of section 109 of the Act [42 U.S.C. 6008] regarding affirmative action. The UAP must take affirmative action to employ and advance in employment and otherwise treat qualified individuals with disabilities without discrimination based upon their physical or mental disability in all employment practices.
The management practices of the UAP, as well as the organizational structure, must promote the role of the UAP as a bridge between the University and the community. The UAP must actively participate in community networks and include a range of collaborating partners.
The UAP's Consumer Advisory Committee must meet regularly. The membership of the Consumer Advisory Committee must reflect the racial and ethnic diversity of the State or community in which the UAP is located. The deliberations of the Consumer Advisory Committee must be reflected in UAP policies and programs.
The UAP must maintain collaborative relationships with the State Developmental Disabilities Council and the Protection and Advocacy agency. In addition, the UAP must be a member of the State Developmental Disabilities Council and participate in Council meetings and activities, as prescribed by the Act.
The UAP must maintain collaborative relationships and be an active participant with the UAP network and individuals, organizations, State agencies and Universities.
The UAP must demonstrate the ability to leverage resources.
The UAP must have adequate space to carry out the mandated activities.
The UAP physical facility and all program initiatives conducted by the UAP must be accessible to individuals with disabilities as provided for by section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and Titles II and III of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
The UAP must integrate the mandated core functions into its activities and programs and must have a written plan for each core function area.
The UAP must have in place a long range planning capability to enable the UAP to respond to emergent and future developments in the field.
The UAP must utilize state-of-the-art methods, including the active participation of individuals, families and other consumers of UAP programs and services to evaluate programs. The UAP must refine and strengthen its programs based on evaluation findings.
The UAP Director must demonstrate commitment to the field of developmental disabilities and leadership and vision in carrying out the mission of the UAP.