Administrative Appeal means an appeal of the Authorized Official's Determination to the Director of OCGFC in accordance with the provisions of Subpart E of these regulations.
Administrative Record means all information submitted by the Claimant and all information collected by FEMA concerning the claim, which is used to evaluate the claim and to formulate the Authorized Official's Determination. It also means all information that is submitted by the Claimant or FEMA in an Administrative Appeal and the decision of the Administrative Appeal. It excludes the opinions, memoranda and work papers of our attorneys and drafts of documents prepared by OCGFC personnel and contractors.
Alternate Dispute Resolution Office means the Office established by FEMA to promote use of Alternative Dispute Resolution as a means of resolving disputes. The address of the Alternate Dispute Resolution Office is Federal Emergency Management Agency, 500 C Street, SW., Washington, DC 20472.
Authorized Official means an employee of the United States who is delegated with authority by the Director of OCGFC to render binding determinations on claims and to determine compensation due to Claimants under the CGFAA.
Authorized Official's Determination means a report signed by an Authorized Official and mailed to the Claimant evaluating each element of the claim as stated in the Proof of Loss and determining the compensation, if any, due to the Claimant.
Claimant means a person who has filed a Notice of Loss under the CGFAA.
Claims Reviewer means an employee of the United States or an OCGFC contractor or subcontractor who is authorized by the Director of OCGFC to review and evaluate claims submitted under the CGFAA.
Days means calendar days, including weekends and holidays.
Destruction of a Home means destruction or physical damage to a residence or the land upon which it sat, resulting from the Cerro Grande Fire.
Discount to Net Present Value means a reduction of an award for damages arising in the future by making allowance for the fact that such award, if properly invested would earn interest.
Household means a group of people, related or unrelated, who live together on a continuous basis and does not include members of an extended family who do not regularly and continuously cohabit.
Household Including Tribal Members means a Household that existed on May 4, 2000, which included one or more Tribal Members as continuous residents.
Indian tribe means an entity listed on the most recent list of federally recognized tribes published in the Federal Register by the Secretary of the Interior pursuant to the Federally Recognized Indian Tribe List Act, 25 U.S.C. 479a, or successor legislation.
Injured Person means an individual, regardless of citizenship or alien status, an Indian tribe, corporation, tribal corporation, partnership, company, association, cooperative, joint venture, limited liability company, estate, trust, county, city, State, school district, special district or other non-Federal entity that suffered Loss resulting from the Cerro Grande Fire and any entity that provided insurance to an Injured Person. The term Injured Person includes an Indian tribe with respect to any claim relating to property or natural resources held in trust for the Indian tribe by the United States. Lenders holding mortgages or security interests on property affected by the Cerro Grande fire and lien holders are not “Injured Persons” for purposes of the CGFAA.
Loss means “injury or loss of property, or personal injury or death,” as that phrase appears in the Federal Tort Claims Act, 28 U.S.C. 1346(b)(1), and the several categories of “property loss,” “business loss” or “financial loss” set out in the § 104(d) of the CGFAA.
Mitigation Compensation Plan means a written mitigation plan submitted by a local government with land use regulatory authority or by an Indian tribe that recommends specific mitigation measures to reduce the heightened risks of wildfire, flood or other natural hazards resulting from the Cerro Grande Fire or seeks compensation for the cost of such measures expended before August 28, 2000, or both. The Mitigation Compensation Plan may address property specific mitigation measures and community level mitigation measures.
Notice of Loss means a form supplied by OCGFC through which an Injured Person makes a binding, conclusive and irrevocable election to have all Losses resulting from the Cerro Grande Fire reviewed by FEMA for possible compensation under the CGFAA.
Proof of Loss means a statement, signed by a Claimant under penalty of perjury and subject to the provisions of 18 U.S.C.1001 that the claim is true and correct, attesting to the nature and extent of the Claimant's injuries.
Public Assistance Program means the FEMA program establish under Subchapter IV of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, as amended, 42 U.S.C. 5121, et seq., which provides grants to States, local governments, Indian tribes and private nonprofit organizations for emergency measures and repair, restoration and replacement of damaged facilities.
Replacement Cost means the cost of replacing an item that is damaged or destroyed with an item that is comparable in quality and utility.
Release and Certification Form means a document in the manner prescribed by § 104(e) of the CGFAA that all Claimants who have received or are awarded compensatory damages under the CGFAA must execute and return to OCGFC as required by § 295.30(c).
Subsistence Resources means food and other items obtained through hunting, fishing, firewood and other resource gathering, timbering, grazing or agricultural activities undertaken by the Claimant without financial remuneration.
Tribal Member means an enrolled member of an Indian Tribe.