A party may take the testimony of any person, including a party, by deposition upon oral examination. This may be done by stipulation or by notice, as set forth in paragraph (b) of this section. On motion of any party or other person upon whom the notice is served, the administrative law judge may for cause shown enlarge or shorten the time for the deposition, change the place of the deposition, limit the scope of the deposition or quash the notice. Depositions of persons other than parties or their representatives shall be upon consent of the deponent.
The party will give reasonable notice in writing to every other party of the time and place for taking depositions, the name and address of each person to be examined, if known, or a general description sufficient to identify him or the particular class or group to which he belongs.
The notice to a deponent may be accompanied by a request for the production of documents and tangible things at the taking of the deposition.
A party may name as the deponent a corporation, partnership, association, or governmental agency and may designate a particular person within the organization whose testimony is desired and the matters on which examination is requested. If no particular person is named, the organization shall designate one or more agents to testify on its behalf, and may set forth the matters on which each will testify. The persons so designated shall testify as to matters known or reasonably available to the organization.
Examination and cross-examination of witnesses may proceed as permitted at the hearing. The witness shall be placed under oath by a disinterested person qualified to administer oaths by the laws of the United States or of the place where the examination is held, and the testimony taken by such person shall be recorded verbatim.
During the taking of a deposition a party or deponent may request suspension of the deposition on grounds of bad faith in the conduct of the examination, annoyance, embarrassment, oppression of a deponent or party or improper questions propounded. The deposition will then be adjourned. However, the objecting party or deponent must immediately move the administrative law judge for a ruling on his objections to the deposition conduct or proceedings. The administrative law judge may then limit the scope or manner of the taking of the deposition.
The officer shall certify the deposition and promptly file it with the administrative law judge. Documents or true copies of documents and other items produced for inspection during the examination of the witness shall, upon the request of a party, be marked for identification and annexed to the deposition.
The party taking the deposition shall give prompt notice of its filing to all other parties.