The appellant shall serve a copy of the notice of appeal and of any statement of reasons, written arguments, or briefs on each adverse party named in the decision from which the appeal is taken and on the Office of the Solicitor as identified in paragraph (c) of this section. Service must be accomplished in the manner prescribed in § 4.401(c) of this title not later than 15 days after filing the document.
Failure to serve within the time required will subject the appeal to summary dismissal as provided in § 4.402 of this title.
If the appeal is taken from a decision of the Director, Minerals Management Service, the appellant will serve the Associate Solicitor, Division of Mineral Resources, Office of the Solicitor, U.S. Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240.
If the appeal is taken from a decision of the Director, Bureau of Land Management, the appellant will serve:
The Associate Solicitor, Division of Land and Water Resources, Office of the Solicitor, U.S. Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240, if the decision concerns the use and disposition of public lands, including land selections under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act, as amended;
The Associate Solicitor, Division of Mineral Resources, Office of the Solicitor, U.S. Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240, if the decision concerns the use and disposition of mineral resources.
If the appeal is taken from a decision of other Bureau of Land Management (BLM) offices listed below (see § 1821.2-1(d) of this title ), the appellant shall serve the appropriate official of the Office of the Solicitor as identified:
BLM Alaska State Office, including all District and Area Offices within its area of jurisdiction:
BLM Arizona State Office, including all District and Area Offices within its area of jurisdiction:
BLM California State Office, including all District and Area Offices within its area of jurisdiction:
BLM Colorado State Office, including all District and Area Offices within its area of jurisdiction:
BLM Eastern States Office, including all District and Area Offices within its area of jurisdiction:
The Associate Solicitor, Division of Land and Water Resources, Office of the Solicitor, U.S. Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240, if the decision concerns the use and disposition of public lands, including land selections under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act, as amended;
The Associate Solicitor, Division of Mineral Resources, Office of the Solicitor, U.S. Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240, if the decision concerns the use and disposition of mineral resources.
BLM Idaho State Office, including all District and Area Offices within its area of jurisdiction:
BLM Montana State Office, including all District and Area Offices within its area of jurisdiction:
BLM Nevada State Office, including all District and Area Offices within its area of jurisdiction:
BLM New Mexico State Office, including all District and Area Offices within its area of jurisdiction:
BLM Oregon State Office, including all District and Area Offices within its area of jurisdiction:
BLM Utah State Office, including all District and Area Offices within its area of jurisdiction:
BLM Wyoming State Office, including all District and Area Offices within its area of jurisdiction:
If the appeal is taken from the decision of an administrative law judge, the appellant shall serve the attorney from the Office of the Solicitor who represented the Bureau of Land Management or the Minerals Management Service at the hearing or, in the absence of a hearing, who was served with a copy of the decision by the administrative law judge. If the hearing involved a mining claim on national forest land, the appellant shall serve the attorney from the Office of General Counsel, U.S. Department of Agriculture, who represented the U.S. Forest Service at the hearing or, in the absence of a hearing, who was served with a copy of the decision by the administrative law judge.
Parties shall serve the Office of the Solicitor as identified in this paragraph until such time that a particular attorney of the Office of the Solicitor files and serves a Notice of Appearance or Substitution of Counsel. Thereafter, parties shall serve the Office of the Solicitor as indicated by the Notice of Appearance or Substitution of Counsel.
Proof of such service as required by § 4.401(c) must be filed with the Board (address: Board of Land Appeals, Office of Hearings and Appeals, 801 North Quincy Street, Arlington, VA 22203), within 15 days after service unless filed with the notice of appeal.
[53 FR 13267, Apr. 22, 1988, as amended at 60 FR 58242, Nov. 27, 1995; 61 FR 40348, Aug. 2, 1996; 67 FR 4368, Jan. 30, 2002]