The official record of the probate case will contain:
A copy of the posted public notice of hearing showing the posting certifications;
A copy of each notice served on interested parties with proof of mailing;
The record of the evidence received at the hearing, including any transcript made of the testimony;
Claims filed against the estate;
Any wills, codicils, and revocations;
Inventories and valuations of the estate;
Pleadings and briefs filed;
Interlocutory orders;
Copies of all proposed or accepted settlement agreements, consolidation agreements, and renunciations and acceptances of renounced property;
In the case of sale of estate property at probate, copies of notices of sale, appraisals and objections to appraisals, requests for purchases, all bids received, and proof of payment;
The decision, order, and the notices thereof; and
Any other documents or items deemed material by the judge.