Appointments to advisory committees shall be for 2-year terms unless otherwise specified in the charter or the appointing document. Terms of service normally coincide with duration of the committee charter. Members may be appointed to additional terms at the discretion of the authorized appointing official.
The term of the member of a council who has been appointed on the basis of his status as an elected official of general purpose government serving the people of the geographical area for which the council is established shall end upon that person's departure from such elective office if such departure occurs before his or her term of appointment or reappointment to the council would otherwise expire. However, the Secretary, in his discretion, may permit the member to complete the term in another vacant position on the council, provided that the member is qualified to represent one of the other categories of major citizens' interests set forth in the charter of the council;
A vacancy occurring by reason of removal, resignation, death, or departure from elective office shall be filled for the balance of the vacating member's term using the same method by which the original appointment was made;
Committee members advise and report only to the official(s) specified in the charter. Service as an advisor, however, does not limit the rights of a member acting as a private citizen or as a member or official of another organization.
The Secretary or the designated Federal officer may, after written notice, terminate the service of an advisor if, in the judgment of the Secretary or the designated Federal officer, such removal is in the public interest, or if the advisor—
No longer meets the requirements under which elected or appointed;
Fails or is unable to participate regularly in committee work; or
Has violated Federal law or the regulations of the Secretary.
For purposes of compensation, members of advisory committees shall be reimbursed for travel and per diem expenses when on advisory committee business, as authorized by 5 U.S.C. 5703. No reimbursement shall be made for expenses incurred by members of subgroups selected by established committees, except that the designated Federal officer may reimburse travel and per diem expenses to members of subgroups who are also members of the parent committee.
Code of Federal Regulations
[45 FR 8177, Feb. 6, 1980, as amended at 47 FR 6429, Feb. 12, 1982; 47 FR 34389, Aug. 9, 1982; 51 FR 39529, Oct. 29, 1986; 52 FR 5284, Feb. 20, 1987; 60 FR 9958, Feb. 22, 1995]