(a) General.
This section carries out section 6 of the Act. Under section 6 of the Act, each museum or Federal agency that has possession or control over collections which may contain unassociated funerary objects, sacred objects, or objects of cultural patrimony must complete a summary of these collections based upon available information held by the museum or Federal agency. The purpose of the summary is to provide information about the collections to lineal descendants and culturally affiliated Indian tribes or Native Hawaiian organizations that may wish to request repatriation of such objects. The summary serves in lieu of an object-by-object inventory of these collections, although, if an inventory is available, it may be substituted. Federal agencies are responsible for ensuring that these requirements are met for all collections from their lands or generated by their actions whether the collections are held by the Federal agency or by a non-Federal institution.
(b) Contents of summaries.
For each collection or portion of a collection, the summary must include: an estimate of the number of objects in the collection or portion of the collection; a description of the kinds of objects included; reference to the means, date(s), and location(s) in which the collection or portion of the collection was acquired, where readily ascertainable; and information relevant to identifying lineal descendants, if available, and cultural affiliation.
(c) Completion.
Summaries must be completed not later than November 16, 1993.
(d) Consultation.
Consulting parties. Museum and Federal agency officials must consult with Indian tribe officials and traditional religious leaders:
From whose tribal lands unassociated funerary objects, sacred objects, or objects of cultural patrimony originated;
That are, or are likely to be, culturally affiliated with unassociated funerary objects, sacred objects, or objects of cultural patrimony; and
From whose aboriginal lands unassociated funerary objects, sacred objects, or objects of cultural patrimony originated.
Initiation of consultation. Museum and Federal agency officials must begin summary consultation no later than the completion of the summary process. Consultation may be initiated with a letter, but should be followed up by telephone or face-to-face dialogue with the appropriate Indian tribe official.
Provision of information. During summary consultation, museum and Federal agency officials must provide copies of the summary to lineal descendants, when known, and to officials and traditional religious leaders representing Indian tribes or Native Hawaiian organizations that are, or are likely to be, culturally affiliated with the cultural items. A copy of the summary must also be provided to the Manager, National NAGPRA Program. Upon request by lineal descendants or Indian tribe officials, museum and Federal agency officials must provide lineal descendants, Indian tribe officials and traditional religious leaders with access to records, catalogues, relevant studies, or other pertinent data for the limited purposes of determining the geographic origin, cultural affiliation, and basic facts surrounding acquisition and accession of objects covered by the summary. Access to this information may be requested at any time and must be provided in a reasonable manner to be agreed upon by all parties. The Review committee also must be provided access to such materials.
Requests for information. During the summary consultation, museum and Federal agency officials must request, as appropriate, the following information from Indian tribes and Native Hawaiian organizations that are, or are likely to be, culturally affiliated with their collections:
Name and address of the Indian tribe official to act as representative in consultations related to particular objects;
Recommendations on how the consultation process should be conducted, including:
Names and appropriate methods to contact any lineal descendants, if known, of individuals whose unassociated funerary objects or sacred objects are included in the summary;
Names and appropriate methods to contact any traditional religious leaders that the Indian tribe or Native Hawaiian organization thinks should be consulted regarding the collections; and
Kinds of cultural items that the Indian tribe or Native Hawaiian organization considers to be funerary objects, sacred objects, or objects of cultural patrimony.
Museum and Federal agency officials must document the following information regarding unassociated funerary objects, sacred objects, and objects of cultural patrimony in their collections and must use this documentation in determining the individuals, Indian tribes, and Native Hawaiian organizations with which they are affiliated:
Accession and catalogue entries;
Information related to the acquisition of unassociated funerary object, sacred object, or object of cultural patrimony, including:
The name of the person or organization from whom the object was obtained, if known;
The date of acquisition;
The place each object was acquired, i.e., name or number of site, county, State, and Federal agency administrative unit, if applicable; and
The means of acquisition, i.e., gift, purchase, or excavation;
A description of each unassociated funerary object, sacred object, or object of cultural patrimony, including dimensions, materials, and photographic documentation, if appropriate, and the antiquity of such objects, if known;
A summary of the evidence used to determine the cultural affiliation of the unassociated funerary objects, sacred objects, or objects of cultural patrimony pursuant to § 10.14 of these regulations.
(f) Notification.
Repatriation of unassociated funerary objects, sacred objects, or objects of cultural patrimony to lineal descendants, culturally affiliated Indian tribes, or Native Hawaiian organizations as determined pursuant to § 10.10 (a), must not proceed prior to submission of a notice of intent to repatriate to the Manager, National NAGPRA Program, and publication of the notice of intent to repatriate in the Federal Register. The notice of intent to repatriate must describe the unassociated funerary objects, sacred objects, or objects of cultural patrimony being claimed in sufficient detail so as to enable other individuals, Indian tribes or Native Hawaiian organizations to determine their interest in the claimed objects. It must include information that identifies each claimed unassociated funerary object, sacred object, or object of cultural patrimony and the circumstances surrounding its acquisition, and describes the objects that are clearly identifiable as to cultural affiliation. It must also describe the objects that are not clearly identifiable as being culturally affiliated with a particular Indian tribe or Native Hawaiian organization, but which, given the totality of circumstances surrounding acquisition of the objects, are likely to be culturally affiliated with a particular Indian tribe or Native Hawaiian organization. The Manager, National NAGPRA Program must publish the notice of intent to repatriate in the Federal Register. Repatriation may not occur until at least thirty (30) days after publication of the notice of intent to repatriate in the Federal Register.
Code of Federal Regulations
[60 FR 62158, Dec. 4, 1995, as amended at 62 FR 41293, Aug. 1, 1997; 71 FR 16501, Apr. 3, 2006]