For claims including two or more primary cancers, DOL will use NIOSH-IREP to calculate the estimated probability of causation for each cancer individually. Then DOL will perform the following calculation using the probability of causation estimates produced by NIOSH-IREP:
Code of Federal Regulations
Calculate: 1−[{1−PC1} × {1−PC2}×. . . × {1−PCn}] = PCtotal,
Code of Federal Regulations
4 Evaluating Equation 1 based on the individual upper 99th percentiles of PC1, . . ., PCn approximates the upper 99th percentile of PCtotal whenever PC1, . . ., PCn are highly related, e.g., when a common dose-reconstruction is the only non-negligible source of uncertainty in the individual PCi's. However, this approximation can overestimate it if other sources of uncertainty contribute independently to the PC1, . . ., PCn, whereas treating the joint distribution as fully independent could substantially underestimate the upper 99th percentile of PCtotal whenever the individual PCi's are positively correlated.
[67 FR 22309, May 2, 2002; 67 FR 62096, Oct. 3, 2002]