51d.5—How is an emergency determined to exist?
In making a decision as to whether a mental health or substance abuse emergency exists for purposes of section 501(m) of the PHS Act, the Secretary, using discretion, will consider all relevant factors, but at a minimum the following must exist:
Existing State, Tribal and local systems for mental health and/or substance abuse services are overwhelmed or unable to meet the existing mental health or substance abuse needs of the local community at issue; and
This inability to meet the mental health and/or substance abuse service needs of a local community is the direct consequence of a clear precipitating event. This precipitating event must:
Have a sudden, rapid onset and a definite conclusion, such as:
A natural disaster (including, but not limited to, a hurricane, tornado, storm, flood, earthquake, fire, drought, or other natural catastrophe); or
A technological disaster (including, but not limited to, a chemical spill, a major industrial accident, or a transportation accident); or
A criminal act with significant casualties (including, but not limited to, a domestic act of terrorism, a hostage situation, or an incident of mass violence including school shootings and riots); and
Result in significant:
Exposure to life-threatening circumstances,
Loss of community infrastructure (e.g., loss of treatment facilities, staff, public transportation and/or utilities, or isolation from services); and
No other local, State, Tribal or Federal funding is available to adequately address the specific level of need resulting from the precipitating event and resulting emergency mental health and/or substance abuse service needs of the impacted community.
In making a determination that a mental health or substance abuse emergency exists, the Secretary will consider the certification and written statements provided in accordance with § 51d.4(a)(1) or (b)(1), and other information independently available to the Secretary.
Once the Secretary determines that a mental health or substance abuse emergency exists, the Secretary may exercise discretion to make awards to enable public entities to respond to the emergency, within the limits of funds available.