As used in this subpart, the following definitions apply:
Adverse event means an untoward, undesirable, and usually unanticipated event that causes death or serious injury, or the risk thereof. As applied to transplant centers, examples of adverse events include (but are not limited to) serious medical complications or death caused by living donation; unintentional transplantation of organs of mismatched blood types; transplantation of organs to unintended recipients; and unintended transmission of infectious disease to a recipient.
End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) means that stage of renal impairment that appears irreversible and permanent, and requires a regular course of dialysis or kidney transplantation to maintain life.
ESRD Network means all Medicare-approved ESRD facilities in a designated geographic area specified by CMS.
Heart-Lung transplant center means a transplant center that is located in a hospital with an existing Medicare-approved heart transplant center and an existing Medicare-approved lung center that performs combined heart-lung transplants.
Intestine transplant center means a Medicare-approved liver transplant center that performs intestine transplants, combined liver-intestine transplants, or multivisceral transplants.
Network organization means the administrative governing body to the network and liaison to the Federal government.
Pancreas transplant center means a Medicare-approved kidney transplant center that performs pancreas transplants alone or subsequent to a kidney transplant as well as kidney-pancreas transplants.
Transplant center means an organ-specific transplant program (as defined in this rule) within a transplant hospital (for example, a hospital's lung transplant program may also be referred to as the hospital's lung transplant center).
Transplant hospital means a hospital that furnishes organ transplants and other medical and surgical specialty services required for the care of transplant patients.
Transplant program means a component within a transplant hospital (as defined in this rule) that provides transplantation of a particular type of organ.