First or “A” readers:
Approval as an “A” reader shall continue if established prior to (insert) effective date of these regulations).
Physicians who desire to be “A” readers must demonstrate their proficiency in classifying the pneumoconioses by either:
Submitting to ALOSH from the physician's files six sample chest roentgenograms which are considered properly classified by the Panel of “B” readers. The six roentgenograms shall consist of two without pneumoconiosis, two with simple pneumoconiosis, and two with complicated pneumoconiosis. The films will be returned to the physician. The interpretations shall be on the Roentgenographic Interpretation Form (Form CDC/NIOSH (M) 2.8) (These may be the same roentgenograms submitted pursuant to § 37.42 ), or;
Satisfactory completion, since June 11, 1970, of a course approved by ALOSH on the ILO or ILO-U/C Classification systems or the UICC/Cincinnati classification system. As used in this subparagraph, “UICC/Cincinnati classification” means the classification of the pneumoconioses devised in 1968 by a Working Committee of the International Union Against Cancer.
Final or “B” readers:
Approval as a “B” reader established prior to October 1, 1976, shall hereby be terminated.
Proficiency in evaluating chest roentgenograms for roentgenographic quality and in the use of the ILO Classification for interpreting chest roentgenograms for pneumoconiosis and other diseases shall be demonstrated by those physicians who desire to be “B” readers by taking and passing a specially designed proficiency examination given on behalf of or by ALOSH at a time and place specified by ALOSH. Each physician must bring a complete set of the ILO standard reference radiographs when taking the examination. Physicians who qualify under this provision need not be qualified under paragraph (a) of this section.
Physicians who wish to participate in the program shall make application on an Interpreting Physician Certification Document (Form CDC/NIOSH (M) 2.12).
[43 FR 33715, Aug. 1, 1978, as amended at 49 FR 7564, Mar. 1, 1984]