Each National Health Service Corps site must:
Operate a health care delivery system within a planned or existing community structure to assure:
The provision of high quality comprehensive health care;
To the extent feasible, full professional health care coverage for the health manpower shortage area;
Continuum of care; and
The availability and accessibility of secondary and tertiary health care (the two more sophisticated levels of health care beyond primary care);
Establish and maintain a patient record system;
Implement a system for maintaining the confidentiality of patient records;
Meet the requirements of applicable fire and safety codes;
Develop, to the extent feasible, linkages with other health care facilities for the provision of services which supplement or complement the services furnished by the assigned Corps personnel;
Operate a quality assurance system which meets the requirements of 42 CFR 51c.303(c) for the establishment and operation of a quality assurance system in a community health center; and
Establish basic data, cost accounting, and management information and reporting systems as prescribed by the Secretary.