Injury (illness, disability, injury, or condition) | Time interval for first symptom or manifestation of onset of injury after: (1) administration of smallpox (vaccinia) vaccine in recipients (R); or (2) exposure to vaccinia in contacts (C). Please note that these time intervals do not refer to time periods for the date of diagnosis of the injury. |
1. Significant Local Skin Reaction | R or C: 1-21 days. |
2. Stevens-Johnson Syndrome | R or C: 1-21 days. |
3. Inadvertent Inoculation | R or C: 1-21 days. |
4. Generalized Vaccinia | R or C: 1-21 days. |
5. Eczema Vaccinatum | R or C: 1-21 days. |
Code of Federal Regulations
6. Progressive Vaccinia | R or C: 1-21 days. |
7. Postvaccinial Encephalopathy, Encephalitis or Encephalomyelitis | R or C: 1-21 days. |
8. Fetal Vaccinia | Maternal R or C: any time in gestation until 7 days after birth. |
9. Secondary Infection | R or C: 0-30 days. |
10. Anaphylaxis or Anaphylactic Shock | R: 0-4 hours.C: Not Covered. |
11. Vaccinial Myocarditis, Pericarditis, or Myopericarditis | R or C: 1-21 days. |
12. Death resulting from an injury referred to above in which the injury arose within the time interval referred to above (except as specifically provided in specified paragraph (b) of this section) | R or C: No time interval specified. |