The OIG may request expert advice from qualified sources on non-legal issues if necessary to respond to the advisory opinion request. For example, the OIG may require the use of appropriate medical reviewers, such as quality improvement organizations, to obtain medical opinions on specific issues.
The time period for issuing an advisory opinion will be tolled from the time that the OIG notifies the requestor of the need for an outside expert opinion until the time the OIG receives the necessary expert opinion.
Once payment is made for the cost of the expert opinion, as set forth in § 1008.31(e) of this part, either directly to the expert or otherwise, the OIG will arrange for a prompt expert review of the issue or issues in question. Regardless of the manner of payment, the expert's work and opinion will be subject to the sole direction of the OIG.
[62 FR 7357, Feb. 19, 1997, as amended at 63 FR 38325, July 16, 1998]