At least 60 days prior to the expiration of the certification period, the unit will submit to the Secretary a report covering the last 12 months (the first 9 months of the certification period for the first annual report), and containing the following information—
The number of investigations initiated and the number completed or closed, categorized by type of provider;
The number of cases prosecuted or referred for prosecution; the number of cases finally resolved and their outcomes; and the number of cases investigated but not prosecuted or referred for prosecution because of insufficient evidence;
The number of complaints received regarding abuse and neglect of patients in health care facilities; the number of such complaints investigated by the unit; and the number referred to other identified State agencies;
The number of recovery actions initiated by the unit; the number of recovery actions referred to another agency; the total amount of overpayments identified by the unit; and the total amount of overpayments actually collected by the unit;
The number of recovery actions initiated by the Medicaid agency under its agreement with the unit, and the total amount of overpayments actually collected by the Medicaid agency under this agreement;
Projections for the succeeding 12 months for items listed in paragraphs (a) through (e) of this section;
The costs incurred by the unit; and
A narrative that evaluates the unit's performance; describes any specific problems it has had in connection with the procedures and agreements required under this part; and discusses any other matters that have impaired its effectiveness.
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 0990-0162)