Unless alternative notices are prescribed by the Deputy Assistant Secretary, the notices which contractors are required to post by paragraphs (1) and (3) of the equal opportunity clause in § 60-1.4 will contain the following language and be provided by the contracting or administering agencies:
The requirements of paragraph (3) of the equal opportunity clause will be satisfied whenever the prime contractor or subcontractor posts copies of the notification prescribed by or pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section in conspicuous places available to employees, applicants for employment, and representatives of each labor union or other organization representing his employees with which he has a collective-bargaining agreement or other contract or understanding.
Code of Federal Regulations
[43 FR 49240, Oct. 20, 1978, as amended at 62 FR 44192, Aug. 19, 1997; 62 FR 66971, Dec. 22, 1997]