98.67—Records that must be retained.
In addition to the information required by § 98.3(g), you must retain the following records:
Monthly aluminum production in metric tons.
Type of smelter technology used.
The following PFC-specific information on a monthly basis:
Perfluoromethane and perfluoroethane emissions from anode effects in prebake and Sderberg electolysis cells.
Anode effect minutes per cell-day (AE-mins/cell-day), anode effect frequency (AE/cell-day), anode effect duration (minutes). (Or anode effect overvoltage factor ((kg CF4 /metric ton Al)/(mV/cell day)), potline overvoltage (mV/cell day), current efficiency (%).))
Smelter-specific slope coefficients and the last date when the smelter-specific-slope coefficients were measured.
Method used to measure the frequency and duration of anode effects (or to measure anode effect overvoltage and current efficiency).
The following CO2 -specific information for prebake cells:
Annual anode consumption.
Annual CO2 emissions from the smelter.
The following CO2 -specific information for Sderberg cells:
Annual paste consumption.
Annual CO2 emissions from the smelter.
Smelter-specific inputs to the CO2 process equations (e.g., levels of sulfur and ash) that were used in the calculation, on an annual basis.
Exact data elements required will vary depending on smelter technology (e.g., point-feed prebake or Sderberg) and process control technology (e.g., Pechiney or other).