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All terms used in this part shall have the same meaning given in the Clean Air Act and in this section.
Absorbent circulation pump means a pump commonly powered by natural gas pressure that circulates the absorbent liquid between the absorbent regenerator and natural gas contactor.
Accuracy of a measurement at a specified level (e.g., one percent of full scale or one percent of the value measured) means that the mean of repeat measurements made by a device or technique are within 95 percent of the range bounded by the true value plus or minus the specified level.
Acid Rain Program means the program established under title IV of the Clean Air Act, and implemented under parts 72 through 78 of this chapter for the reduction of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides emissions.
Administrator means the Administrator of the United States Environmental Protection Agency or the Administrator's authorized representative.
AGA means the American Gas Association
Agricultural by-products means those parts of arable crops that are not used for the primary purpose of producing food. Agricultural by-products include, but are not limited to, oat, corn and wheat straws, bagasse, peanut shells, rice and coconut husks, soybean hulls, palm kernel cake, cottonseed and sunflower seed cake, and pomace.
Air injected flare means a flare in which air is blown into the base of a flare stack to induce complete combustion of gas.
Alkali bypass means a duct between the feed end of the kiln and the preheater tower through which a portion of the kiln exit gas stream is withdrawn and quickly cooled by air or water to avoid excessive buildup of alkali, chloride and/or sulfur on the raw feed. This may also be referred to as the “kiln exhaust gas bypass.”
Anaerobic digester means the system where wastes are collected and anaerobically digested in large containment vessels or covered lagoons. Anaerobic digesters stabilize waste by the microbial reduction of complex organic compounds to CO2 and CH4, which is captured and may be flared or used as fuel. Anaerobic digestion systems, include but are not limited to covered lagoon, complete mix, plug flow, and fixed film digesters.
Anaerobic lagoon, with respect to subpart JJ of this part, means a type of liquid storage system component that is designed and operated to stabilize wastes using anaerobic microbial processes. Anaerobic lagoons may be designed for combined stabilization and storage with varying lengths of retention time (up to a year or greater), depending on the climate region, volatile solids loading rate, and other operational factors.
Anode effect is a process upset condition of an aluminum electrolysis cell caused by too little alumina dissolved in the electrolyte. The anode effect begins when the voltage rises rapidly and exceeds a threshold voltage, typically 8 volts.
Anode Effect Minutes per Cell Day (24 hours) are the total minutes during which an electrolysis cell voltage is above the threshold voltage, typically 8 volts.
ANSI means the American National Standards Institute.
API means the American Petroleum Institute.
ASABE means the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.
ASME means the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
ASTM means the American Society of Testing and Materials.
Asphalt means a dark brown-to-black cement-like material obtained by petroleum processing and containing bitumens as the predominant component. It includes crude asphalt as well as the following finished products: cements, fluxes, the asphalt content of emulsions (exclusive of water), and petroleum distillates blended with asphalt to make cutback asphalts.
Aviation Gasoline means a complex mixture of volatile hydrocarbons, with or without additives, suitably blended to be used in aviation reciprocating engines. Specifications can be found in ASTM Specification D910-07a, Standard Specification for Aviation Gasolines (incorporated by reference, see § 98.7 ).
B 0 means the maximum CH4 producing capacity of a waste stream, kg CH4 /kg COD.
Basic oxygen furnace means any refractory-lined vessel in which high-purity oxygen is blown under pressure through a bath of molten iron, scrap metal, and fluxes to produce steel.
bbl means barrel.
Biodiesel means a mono-akyl ester derived from biomass and conforming to ASTM D6751-08, Standard Specification for Biodiesel Fuel Blend Stock (B100) for Middle Distillate Fuels.
Biogenic CO 2 means carbon dioxide emissions generated as the result of biomass combustion from combustion units for which emission calculations are required by an applicable part 98 subpart.
Biomass means non-fossilized and biodegradable organic material originating from plants, animals or micro-organisms, including products, by-products, residues and waste from agriculture, forestry and related industries as well as the non-fossilized and biodegradable organic fractions of industrial and municipal wastes, including gases and liquids recovered from the decomposition of non-fossilized and biodegradable organic material.
Blast furnace means a furnace that is located at an integrated iron and steel plant and is used for the production of molten iron from iron ore pellets and other iron bearing materials.
Blendstocks are petroleum products used for blending or compounding into finished motor gasoline. These include RBOB (reformulated blendstock for oxygenate blending) and CBOB (conventional blendstock for oxygenate blending), but exclude oxygenates, butane, and pentanes plus.
Blendstocks—Others are products used for blending or compounding into finished motor gasoline that are not defined elsewhere. Excludes Gasoline Treated as Blendstock (GTAB), Diesel Treated as Blendstock (DTAB), conventional blendstock for oxygenate blending (CBOB), reformulated blendstock for oxygenate blending (RBOB), oxygenates (e.g. fuel ethanol and methyl tertiary butyl ether), butane, and pentanes plus.
Blowdown mean the act of emptying or depressuring a vessel. This may also refer to the discarded material such as blowdown water from a boiler or cooling tower.
Blowdown vent stack emissions mean natural gas and/or CO2 released due to maintenance and/or blowdown operations including compressor blowdown and emergency shut-down (ESD) system testing.
British Thermal Unit or Btu means the quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of one pound of water by one degree Fahrenheit at about 39.2 degrees Fahrenheit.
Bulk, with respect to industrial GHG suppliers and CO2 suppliers, means the transfer of a product inside containers, including but not limited to tanks, cylinders, drums, and pressure vessels.
Bulk natural gas liquid or NGL refers to mixtures of hydrocarbons that have been separated from natural gas as liquids through the process of absorption, condensation, adsorption, or other methods. Generally, such liquids consist of ethane, propane, butanes, and pentanes plus. Bulk NGL is sold to fractionators or to refineries and petrochemical plants where the fractionation takes place.
Butane, or n-Butane, is a paraffinic straight-chain hydrocarbon with molecular formula C4 H10.
Butylene, or n-Butylene, is an olefinic straight-chain hydrocarbon with molecular formula C4 H8.
By-product coke oven battery means a group of ovens connected by common walls, where coal undergoes destructive distillation under positive pressure to produce coke and coke oven gas from which by-products are recovered.
Calcination means the process of thermally treating minerals to decompose carbonates from ore.
Calculation methodology means a methodology prescribed under the section “Calculating GHG Emissions” in any subpart of part 98.
Calibrated bag means a flexible, non-elastic, anti-static bag of a calibrated volume that can be affixed to an emitting source such that the emissions inflate the bag to its calibrated volume.
Carbon dioxide equivalent or CO 2 e means the number of metric tons of CO2 emissions with the same global warming potential as one metric ton of another greenhouse gas, and is calculated using Equation A-1 of this subpart.
Carbon dioxide production well means any hole drilled in the earth for the primary purpose of extracting carbon dioxide from a geologic formation or group of formations which contain deposits of carbon dioxide.
Carbon dioxide production well facility means one or more carbon dioxide production wells that are located on one or more contiguous or adjacent properties, which are under the control of the same entity. Carbon dioxide production wells located on different oil and gas leases, mineral fee tracts, lease tracts, subsurface or surface unit areas, surface fee tracts, surface lease tracts, or separate surface sites, whether or not connected by a road, waterway, power line, or pipeline, shall be considered part of the same CO2 production well facility if they otherwise meet the definition.
Carbon dioxide stream means carbon dioxide that has been captured from an emission source (e.g. a power plant or other industrial facility) or extracted from a carbon dioxide production well plus incidental associated substances either derived from the source materials and the capture process or extracted with the carbon dioxide.
Carbon share means the percent of total mass that carbon represents in any product.
Carbonate means compounds containing the radical CO3 −2. Upon calcination, the carbonate radical decomposes to evolve carbon dioxide (CO2 ). Common carbonates consumed in the mineral industry include calcium carbonate (CaCO3) or calcite; magnesium carbonate (MgCO3) or magnesite; and calcium-magnesium carbonate (CaMg(CO3 )2) or dolomite.
Carbonate-based mineral means any of the following minerals used in the manufacture of glass: Calcium carbonate (CaCO3 ), calcium magnesium carbonate (CaMg(CO3 )2 ), sodium carbonate (Na2 CO3 ), barium carbonate (BaCO3 ), potassium carbonate (K2 CO3 ), lithium carbonate (Li2 CO3 ), and strontium carbonate (SrCO3 ).
Carbonate-based mineral mass fraction means the following: For limestone, the mass fraction of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) in the limestone; for dolomite, the mass fraction of calcium magnesium carbonate (CaMg(CO3 )2) in the dolomite; for soda ash, the mass fraction of sodium carbonate (Na2 CO3) in the soda ash; for barium carbonate, the mass fraction of barium carbonate (BaCO3) in the barium carbonate; for potassium carbonate, the mass fraction of potassium carbonate (K2 CO3) in the potassium carbonate; for lithium carbonate, the mass fraction of lithium carbonate (Li2 CO3 ); and for strontium carbonate, the mass fraction of strontium carbonate (SrCO3 ).
Carbonate-based raw material means any of the following materials used in the manufacture of glass: Limestone, dolomite, soda ash, barium carbonate, potassium carbonate, lithium carbonate, and strontium carbonate.
Catalytic cracking unit means a refinery process unit in which petroleum derivatives are continuously charged and hydrocarbon molecules in the presence of a catalyst are fractured into smaller molecules, or react with a contact material suspended in a fluidized bed to improve feedstock quality for additional processing and the catalyst or contact material is continuously regenerated by burning off coke and other deposits. Catalytic cracking units include both fluidized bed systems, which are referred to as fluid catalytic cracking units (FCCU), and moving bed systems, which are also referred to as thermal catalytic cracking units. The unit includes the riser, reactor, regenerator, air blowers, spent catalyst or contact material stripper, catalyst or contact material recovery equipment, and regenerator equipment for controlling air pollutant emissions and for heat recovery.
CBOB-Summer (conventional blendstock for oxygenate blending) means a petroleum product which, when blended with a specified type and percentage of oxygenate, meets the definition of Conventional-Summer.
CBOB-Winter (conventional blendstock for oxygenate blending) means a petroleum product which, when blended with a specified type and percentage of oxygenate, meets the definition of Conventional-Winter.
Cement kiln dust means non-calcined to fully calcined dust produced in the kiln or pyroprocessing line. Cement kiln dust is a fine-grained, solid, highly alkaline material removed from the cement kiln exhaust gas by scrubbers (filtration baghouses and/or electrostatic precipitators).
Centrifugal compressor means any equipment that increases the pressure of a process natural gas or CO2 by centrifugal action, employing rotating movement of the driven shaft.
Centrifugal compressor dry seal emissions mean natural gas or CO2 released from a dry seal vent pipe and/or the seal face around the rotating shaft where it exits one or both ends of the compressor case.
Centrifugal compressor dry seals mean a series of rings around the compressor shaft where it exits the compressor case that operates mechanically under the opposing forces to prevent natural gas or CO2 from escaping to the atmosphere.
Centrifugal compressor wet seal degassing vent emissions means emissions that occur when the high-pressure oil barriers for centrifugal compressors are depressurized to release absorbed natural gas or CO2. High-pressure oil is used as a barrier against escaping gas in centrifugal compressor shafts. Very little gas escapes through the oil barrier, but under high pressure, considerably more gas is absorbed by the oil. The seal oil is purged of the absorbed gas (using heaters, flash tanks, and degassing techniques) and recirculated. The separated gas is commonly vented to the atmosphere.
Certified standards means calibration gases certified by the manufacturer of the calibration gases to be accurate to within 2 percent of the value on the label or calibration gases.
CH 4 means methane.
Chemical recovery combustion unit means a combustion device, such as a recovery furnace or fluidized-bed reactor where spent pulping liquor from sulfite or semi-chemical pulping processes is burned to recover pulping chemicals.
Chemical recovery furnace means an enclosed combustion device where concentrated spent liquor produced by the kraft or soda pulping process is burned to recover pulping chemicals and produce steam. Includes any recovery furnace that burns spent pulping liquor produced from both the kraft and soda pulping processes.
Chloride process means a production process where titanium dioxide is produced using calcined petroleum coke and chlorine as raw materials.
City gate means a location at which natural gas ownership or control passes from one party to another, neither of which is the ultimate consumer. In this rule, in keeping with common practice, the term refers to a point or measuring station at which a local gas distribution utility receives gas from a natural gas pipeline company or transmission system. Meters at the city gate station measure the flow of natural gas into the local distribution company system and typically are used to measure local distribution company system sendout to customers.
CO 2 means carbon dioxide.
Coal means all solid fuels classified as anthracite, bituminous, sub-bituminous, or lignite by the American Society for Testing and Materials Designation ASTM D388-05 Standard Classification of Coals by Rank (incorporated by reference, see § 98.7 ).
COD means the chemical oxygen demand as determined using methods specified pursuant to 40 CFR part 136.
Cogeneration unit means a unit that produces electrical energy and useful thermal energy for industrial, commercial, or heating or cooling purposes, through the sequential or simultaneous use of the original fuel energy.
Coke burn-off means the coke removed from the surface of a catalyst by combustion during catalyst regeneration. Coke burn-off also means the coke combusted in fluid coking unit burner.
Cokemaking means the production of coke from coal in either a by-product coke oven battery or a non-recovery coke oven battery.
Commercial applications means executing a commercial transaction subject to a contract. A commercial application includes transferring custody of a product from one facility to another if it otherwise meets the definition.
Company records means, in reference to the amount of fuel consumed by a stationary combustion unit (or by a group of such units), a complete record of the methods used, the measurements made, and the calculations performed to quantify fuel usage. Company records may include, but are not limited to, direct measurements of fuel consumption by gravimetric or volumetric means, tank drop measurements, and calculated values of fuel usage obtained by measuring auxiliary parameters such as steam generation or unit operating hours. Fuel billing records obtained from the fuel supplier qualify as company records.
Connector means to flanged, screwed, or other joined fittings used to connect pipe line segments, tubing, pipe components (such as elbows, reducers, “T's” or valves) or a pipe line and a piece of equipment or an instrument to a pipe, tube or piece of equipment. A common connector is a flange. Joined fittings welded completely around the circumference of the interface are not considered connectors for the purpose of this part.
Container glass means glass made of soda-lime recipe, clear or colored, which is pressed and/or blown into bottles, jars, ampoules, and other products listed in North American Industry Classification System 327213 (NAICS 327213).
Continuous bleed means a continuous flow of pneumatic supply gas to the process measurement device (e.g. level control, temperature control, pressure control) where the supply gas pressure is modulated by the process condition, and then flows to the valve controller where the signal is compared with the process set-point to adjust gas pressure in the valve actuator.
Continuous emission monitoring system or CEMS means the total equipment required to sample, analyze, measure, and provide, by means of readings recorded at least once every 15 minutes, a permanent record of gas concentrations, pollutant emission rates, or gas volumetric flow rates from stationary sources.
Continuous glass melting furnace means a glass melting furnace that operates continuously except during periods of maintenance, malfunction, control device installation, reconstruction, or rebuilding.
Conventional-Summer refers to finished gasoline formulated for use in motor vehicles, the composition and properties of which do not meet the requirements of the reformulated gasoline regulations promulgated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency under 40 CFR 80.40, but which meet summer RVP standards required under 40 CFR 80.27 or as specified by the state. Note: This category excludes conventional gasoline for oxygenate blending (CBOB) as well as other blendstock.
Conventional-Winter refers to finished gasoline formulated for use in motor vehicles, the composition and properties of which do not meet the requirements of the reformulated gasoline regulations promulgated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency under 40 CFR 80.40 or the summer RVP standards required under 40 CFR 80.27 or as specified by the state. Note: This category excludes conventional blendstock for oxygenate blending (CBOB) as well as other blendstock.
Crude oil means a mixture of hydrocarbons that exists in liquid phase in natural underground reservoirs and remains liquid at atmospheric pressure after passing through surface separating facilities. (1) Depending upon the characteristics of the crude stream, it may also include any of the following:
(i) Small amounts of hydrocarbons that exist in gaseous phase in natural underground reservoirs but are liquid at atmospheric conditions (temperature and pressure) after being recovered from oil well (casing-head) gas in lease separators and are subsequently commingled with the crude stream without being separately measured. Lease condensate recovered as a liquid from natural gas wells in lease or field separation facilities and later mixed into the crude stream is also included.
(ii) Small amounts of non-hydrocarbons, such as sulfur and various metals.
(iii) Drip gases, and liquid hydrocarbons produced from tar sands, oil sands, gilsonite, and oil shale.
(iv) Petroleum products that are received or produced at a refinery and subsequently injected into a crude supply or reservoir by the same refinery owner or operator.
(2) Liquids produced at natural gas processing plants are excluded. Crude oil is refined to produce a wide array of petroleum products, including heating oils; gasoline, diesel and jet fuels; lubricants; asphalt; ethane, propane, and butane; and many other products used for their energy or chemical content.
Daily spread means a manure management system component in which manure is routinely removed from a confinement facility and is applied to cropland or pasture within 24 hours of excretion.
Day means any consistently designated 24 hour period during which an emission unit is operated.
Decarburization vessel means any vessel used to further refine molten steel with the primary intent of reducing the carbon content of the steel, including but not limited to vessels used for argon-oxygen decarburization and vacuum oxygen decarburization.
Deep bedding systems for cattle swine means a manure management system in which, as manure accumulates, bedding is continually added to absorb moisture over a production cycle and possibly for as long as 6 to 12 months. This manure management system also is known as a bedded pack manure management system and may be combined with a dry lot or pasture.
Degasification system means the entirety of the equipment that is used to drain gas from underground and collect it at a common point, such as a vacuum pumping station. This includes all degasification wells and gob gas vent holes at the underground coal mine. Degasification systems include surface pre-mining, horizontal pre-mining, and post-mining systems.
Degradable organic carbon (DOC) means the fraction of the total mass of a waste material that can be biologically degraded.
Dehydrator means a device in which a liquid absorbent (including desiccant, ethylene glycol, diethylene glycol, or triethylene glycol) directly contacts a natural gas stream to absorb water vapor.
Dehydrator vent emissions means natural gas and CO2 released from a natural gas dehydrator system absorbent (typically glycol) reboiler or regenerator to the atmosphere or a flare, including stripping natural gas and motive natural gas used in absorbent circulation pumps.
Delayed coking unit means one or more refinery process units in which high molecular weight petroleum derivatives are thermally cracked and petroleum coke is produced in a series of closed, batch system reactors. A delayed coking unit consists of the coke drums and ancillary equipment associated with a single fractionator.
De-methanizer means the natural gas processing unit that separates methane rich residue gas from the heavier hydrocarbons (e.g., ethane, propane, butane, pentane-plus) in feed natural gas stream.
Density means the mass contained in a given unit volume (mass/volume).
Desiccant means a material used in solid-bed dehydrators to remove water from raw natural gas by adsorption or absorption. Desiccants include activated alumina, pelletized calcium chloride, lithium chloride and granular silica gel material. Wet natural gas is passed through a bed of the granular or pelletized solid adsorbent or absorbent in these dehydrators. As the wet gas contacts the surface of the particles of desiccant material, water is adsorbed on the surface or absorbed and dissolves the surface of these desiccant particles. Passing through the entire desiccant bed, almost all of the water is adsorbed onto or absorbed into the desiccant material, leaving the dry gas to exit the contactor.
Destruction means:
(1) With respect to landfills and manure management, the combustion of methane in any on-site or off-site combustion technology. Destroyed methane includes, but is not limited to, methane combusted by flaring, methane destroyed by thermal oxidation, methane combusted for use in on-site energy or heat production technologies, methane that is conveyed through pipelines (including natural gas pipelines) for off-site combustion, and methane that is collected for any other on-site or off-site use as a fuel.
(2) With respect to fluorinated GHGs, the expiration of a fluorinated GHG to the destruction efficiency actually achieved. Such destruction does not result in a commercially useful end product.
Destruction device, for the purposes of subparts II and TT of this part, means a flare, thermal oxidizer, boiler, turbine, internal combustion engine, or any other combustion unit used to destroy or oxidize methane contained in landfill gas or wastewater biogas.
Destruction efficiency means the efficiency with which a destruction device reduces the mass of a greenhouse gas fed into the device. Destruction efficiency, or flaring destruction efficiency, refers to the fraction of the gas that leaves the flare partially or fully oxidized. The destruction efficiency is expressed in Equation A-2 of this section:

Code of Federal Regulations

[Please see PDF for image: ER01DE10.001 ]
DE = Destruction Efficiency
tGHGiIN = The mass of GHG i fed into the destruction device
tGHGiOUT = The mass of GHG i exhausted from the destruction device
Diesel—Other is any distillate fuel oil not defined elsewhere, including Diesel Treated as Blendstock (DTAB).
DIPE (diisopropyl ether, (CH3 )2 CHOCH(CH3 )2) is an ether as described in “Oxygenates.”
Direct liquefaction means the conversion of coal directly into liquids, rather than passing through an intermediate gaseous state.
Direct reduction furnace means a high temperature furnace typically fired with natural gas to produce solid iron from iron ore or iron ore pellets and coke, coal, or other carbonaceous materials.
Distillate fuel oil means a classification for one of the petroleum fractions produced in conventional distillation operations and from crackers and hydrotreating process units. The generic term distillate fuel oil includes kerosene, kerosene-type jet fuel, diesel fuels (Diesel Fuels No. 1, No. 2, and No. 4), and fuel oils (Fuel Oils No. 1, No. 2, and No. 4).
Distillate Fuel No. 1 has a maximum distillation temperature of 550 °F at the 90 percent recovery point and a minimum flash point of 100 °F and includes fuels commonly known as Diesel Fuel No. 1 and Fuel Oil No. 1, but excludes kerosene. This fuel is further subdivided into categories of sulfur content: High Sulfur (greater than 500 ppm), Low Sulfur (less than or equal to 500 ppm and greater than 15 ppm), and Ultra Low Sulfur (less than or equal to 15 ppm).
Distillate Fuel No. 2 has a minimum and maximum distillation temperature of 540 °F and 640 °F at the 90 percent recovery point, respectively, and includes fuels commonly known as Diesel Fuel No. 2 and Fuel Oil No. 2. This fuel is further subdivided into categories of sulfur content: High Sulfur (greater than 500 ppm), Low Sulfur (less than or equal to 500 ppm and greater than 15 ppm), and Ultra Low Sulfur (less than or equal to 15 ppm).
Distillate Fuel No. 4 is a distillate fuel oil made by blending distillate fuel oil and residual fuel oil, with a minimum flash point of 131 °F.
DOC f means the fraction of DOC that actually decomposes under the (presumably anaerobic) conditions within the landfill.
Dry lot means a manure management system component consisting of a paved or unpaved open confinement area without any significant vegetative cover where accumulating manure may be removed periodically.
Electric arc furnace (EAF) means a furnace that produces molten alloy metal and heats the charge materials with electric arcs from carbon electrodes.
Electric arc furnace steelmaking means the production of carbon, alloy, or specialty steels using an EAF. This definition excludes EAFs at steel foundries and EAFs used to produce nonferrous metals.
Electrothermic furnace means a furnace that heats the charged materials with electric arcs from carbon electrodes.
Emergency generator means a stationary combustion device, such as a reciprocating internal combustion engine or turbine that serves solely as a secondary source of mechanical or electrical power whenever the primary energy supply is disrupted or discontinued during power outages or natural disasters that are beyond the control of the owner or operator of a facility. An emergency generator operates only during emergency situations, for training of personnel under simulated emergency conditions, as part of emergency demand response procedures, or for standard performance testing procedures as required by law or by the generator manufacturer. A generator that serves as a back-up power source under conditions of load shedding, peak shaving, power interruptions pursuant to an interruptible power service agreement, or scheduled facility maintenance shall not be considered an emergency generator.
Emergency equipment means any auxiliary fossil fuel-powered equipment, such as a fire pump, that is used only in emergency situations.
ETBE (ethyl tertiary butyl ether, (CH3 )3 COC2 H) is an ether as described in “Oxygenates.”
Ethane is a paraffinic hydrocarbon with molecular formula C2 H6.
Ethanol is an anhydrous alcohol with molecular formula C2 H5 OH.
Ethylene is an olefinic hydrocarbon with molecular formula C2 H4.
Ex refinery gate means the point at which a petroleum product leaves the refinery.
Experimental furnace means a glass melting furnace with the sole purpose of operating to evaluate glass melting processes, technologies, or glass products. An experimental furnace does not produce glass that is sold (except for further research and development purposes) or that is used as a raw material for non-experimental furnaces.
Export means to transport a product from inside the United States to persons outside the United States, excluding any such transport on behalf of the United States military including foreign military sales under the Arms Export Control Act.
Exporter means any person, company or organization of record that transfers for sale or for other benefit, domestic products from the United States to another country or to an affiliate in another country, excluding any such transfers on behalf of the United States military or military purposes including foreign military sales under the Arms Export Control Act. An exporter is not the entity merely transporting the domestic products, rather an exporter is the entity deriving the principal benefit from the transaction.
Facility means any physical property, plant, building, structure, source, or stationary equipment located on one or more contiguous or adjacent properties in actual physical contact or separated solely by a public roadway or other public right-of-way and under common ownership or common control, that emits or may emit any greenhouse gas. Operators of military installations may classify such installations as more than a single facility based on distinct and independent functional groupings within contiguous military properties.
Feed means the prepared and mixed materials, which include but are not limited to materials such as limestone, clay, shale, sand, iron ore, mill scale, cement kiln dust and flyash, that are fed to the kiln. Feed does not include the fuels used in the kiln to produce heat to form the clinker product.
Feedstock means raw material inputs to a process that are transformed by reaction, oxidation, or other chemical or physical methods into products and by-products. Supplemental fuel burned to provide heat or thermal energy is not a feedstock.
Fischer-Tropsch process means a catalyzed chemical reaction in which synthesis gas, a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen, is converted into liquid hydrocarbons of various forms.
Flare means a combustion device, whether at ground level or elevated, that uses an open flame to burn combustible gases with combustion air provided by uncontrolled ambient air around the flame.
Flat glass means glass made of soda-lime recipe and produced into continuous flat sheets and other products listed in NAICS 327211.
Flowmeter means a device that measures the mass or volumetric rate of flow of a gas, liquid, or solid moving through an open or closed conduit (e.g. flowmeters include, but are not limited to, rotameters, turbine meters, coriolis meters, orifice meters, ultra-sonic flowmeters, and vortex flowmeters).
Fluid coking unit means one or more refinery process units in which high molecular weight petroleum derivatives are thermally cracked and petroleum coke is continuously produced in a fluidized bed system. The fluid coking unit includes equipment for controlling air pollutant emissions and for heat recovery on the fluid coking burner exhaust vent. There are two basic types of fluid coking units: A traditional fluid coking unit in which only a small portion of the coke produced in the unit is burned to fuel the unit and the fluid coking burner exhaust vent is directed to the atmosphere (after processing in a CO boiler or other air pollutant control equipment) and a flexicoking unit in which an auxiliary burner is used to partially combust a significant portion of the produced petroleum coke to generate a low value fuel gas that is used as fuel in other combustion sources at the refinery.
Fluorinated greenhouse gas means sulfur hexafluoride (SF6 ), nitrogen trifluoride (NF3 ), and any fluorocarbon except for controlled substances as defined at 40 CFR part 82, subpart A and substances with vapor pressures of less than 1 mm of Hg absolute at 25 degrees C. With these exceptions, “fluorinated GHG” includes but is not limited to any hydrofluorocarbon, any perfluorocarbon, any fully fluorinated linear, branched or cyclic alkane, ether, tertiary amine or aminoether, any perfluoropolyether, and any hydrofluoropolyether.
Fossil fuel means natural gas, petroleum, coal, or any form of solid, liquid, or gaseous fuel derived from such material, for purpose of creating useful heat.
Fractionators means plants that produce fractionated natural gas liquids (NGLs) extracted from produced natural gas and separate the NGLs individual component products: ethane, propane, butanes and pentane-plus (C5 ). Plants that only process natural gas but do not fractionate NGLs further into component products are not considered fractionators. Some fractionators do not process production gas, but instead fractionate bulk NGLs received from natural gas processors. Some fractionators both process natural gas and fractionate bulk NGLs received from other plants.
Fuel means solid, liquid or gaseous combustible material.
Fuel gas means gas generated at a petroleum refinery or petrochemical plant and that is combusted separately or in any combination with any type of gas.
Fuel gas system means a system of compressors, piping, knock-out pots, mix drums, and, if necessary, units used to remove sulfur contaminants from the fuel gas (e.g., amine scrubbers) that collects fuel gas from one or more sources for treatment, as necessary, and transport to a stationary combustion unit. A fuel gas system may have an overpressure vent to a flare but the primary purpose for a fuel gas system is to provide fuel to the various combustion units at the refinery or petrochemical plant.
Furnace slag means a by-product formed in metal melting furnaces when slagging agents, reducing agents, and/or fluxes (e.g., coke ash, limestone, silicates) are added to remove impurities from the molten metal.
Gas collection system or landfill gas collection system means a system of pipes used to collect landfill gas from different locations in the landfill by means of a fan or similar mechanical draft equipment to a single location for treatment (thermal destruction) or use. Landfill gas collection systems may also include knock-out or separator drums and/or a compressor. A single landfill may have multiple gas collection systems. Landfill gas collection systems do not include “passive” systems, whereby landfill gas flows naturally to the surface of the landfill where an opening or pipe (vent) is installed to allow for natural gas flow.
Gas conditions mean the actual temperature, volume, and pressure of a gas sample.
Gas-fired unit means a stationary combustion unit that derives more than 50 percent of its annual heat input from the combustion of gaseous fuels, and the remainder of its annual heat input from the combustion of fuel oil or other liquid fuels.
Gas monitor means an instrument that continuously measures the concentration of a particular gaseous species in the effluent of a stationary source.
Gas to oil ratio (GOR) means the ratio of the volume of gas at standard temperature and pressure that is produced from a volume of oil when depressurized to standard temperature and pressure.
Gaseous fuel means a material that is in the gaseous state at standard atmospheric temperature and pressure conditions and that is combusted to produce heat and/or energy.
Gasification means the conversion of a solid or liquid raw material into a gas.
Gasoline—Other is any gasoline that is not defined elsewhere, including GTAB (gasoline treated as blendstock).
Glass melting furnace means a unit comprising a refractory-lined vessel in which raw materials are charged and melted at high temperature to produce molten glass.
Glass produced means the weight of glass exiting a glass melting furnace.
Global warming potential or GWP means the ratio of the time-integrated radiative forcing from the instantaneous release of one kilogram of a trace substance relative to that of one kilogram- of a reference gas, i.e., CO2.
GPA means the Gas Processors Association.
Greenhouse gas or GHG means carbon dioxide (CO2 ), methane (CH4 ), nitrous oxide (N2 O), sulfur hexafluoride (SF6), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs), and other fluorinated greenhouse gases as defined in this section.
GTBA (gasoline-grade tertiary butyl alcohol, (CH3 )3 COH), or t-butanol, is an alcohol as described in “Oxygenates.”
Heavy Gas Oils are petroleum distillates with an approximate boiling range from 651 °F to 1,000 °F.
Heel means the amount of gas that remains in a shipping container after it is discharged or off-loaded (that is no more than ten percent of the volume of the container).
High-bleed pneumatic devices are automated, continuous bleed flow control devices powered by pressurized natural gas and used for maintaining a process condition such as liquid level, pressure, delta-pressure and temperature. Part of the gas power stream that is regulated by the process condition flows to a valve actuator controller where it vents continuously (bleeds) to the atmosphere at a rate in excess of 6 standard cubic feet per hour.
High heat value or HHV means the high or gross heat content of the fuel with the heat of vaporization included. The water is assumed to be in a liquid state.
Hydrofluorocarbons or HFCs means a class of GHGs consisting of hydrogen, fluorine, and carbon.
Import means, to land on, bring into, or introduce into, any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States whether or not such landing, bringing, or introduction constitutes an importation within the meaning of the customs laws of the United States, with the following exemptions:
(1) Off-loading used or excess fluorinated GHGs or nitrous oxide of U.S. origin from a ship during servicing.
(2) Bringing fluorinated GHGs or nitrous oxide into the U.S. from Mexico where the fluorinated GHGs or nitrous oxide had been admitted into Mexico in bond and were of U.S. origin.
(3) Bringing fluorinated GHGs or nitrous oxide into the U.S. when transported in a consignment of personal or household effects or in a similar non-commercial situation normally exempted from U.S. Customs attention.
(4) Bringing fluorinated GHGs or nitrous into U.S. jurisdiction exclusively for U. S. military purposes.
Importer means any person, company, or organization of record that for any reason brings a product into the United States from a foreign country, excluding introduction into U.S. jurisdiction exclusively for United States military purposes. An importer is the person, company, or organization primarily liable for the payment of any duties on the merchandise or an authorized agent acting on their behalf. The term includes, as appropriate:
(1) The consignee.
(2) The importer of record.
(3) The actual owner.
(4) The transferee, if the right to draw merchandise in a bonded warehouse has been transferred.
Indurating furnace means a furnace where unfired taconite pellets, called green balls, are hardened at high temperatures to produce fired pellets for use in a blast furnace. Types of indurating furnaces include straight gate and grate kiln furnaces.
Industrial greenhouse gases means nitrous oxide or any fluorinated greenhouse gas.
In-line kiln/raw mill means a system in a portland cement production process where a dry kiln system is integrated with the raw mill so that all or a portion of the kiln exhaust gases are used to perform the drying operation of the raw mill, with no auxiliary heat source used. In this system the kiln is capable of operating without the raw mill operating, but the raw mill cannot operate without the kiln gases, and consequently, the raw mill does not generate a separate exhaust gas stream.
Intermittent bleed pneumatic devices mean automated flow control devices powered by pressurized natural gas and used for maintaining a process condition such as liquid level, pressure, delta-pressure and temperature. These are snap-acting or throttling devices that discharge the full volume of the actuator intermittently when control action is necessary, but does not bleed continuously.
Isobutane is a paraffinic branch chain hydrocarbon with molecular formula C4 H10.