Except as provided below, all of the terms used in this subpart have the same meaning given in the Clean Air Act and subpart A of this part. If a conflict exists between a definition provided in this subpart and a definition provided in subpart A, the definition in this subpart shall take precedence for the reporting requirements in this subpart.
Isolated intermediate means a product of a process that is stored before subsequent processing. An isolated intermediate is usually a product of chemical synthesis. Storage of an isolated intermediate marks the end of a process. Storage occurs at any time the intermediate is placed in equipment used solely for storage.
Low-concentration constituent means, for purposes of fluorinated GHG production and export, a fluorinated GHG constituent of a fluorinated GHG product that occurs in the product in concentrations below 0.1 percent by mass. For purposes of fluorinated GHG import, low-concentration constituent means a fluorinated GHG constituent of a fluorinated GHG product that occurs in the product in concentrations below 0.5 percent by mass. Low-concentration constituents do not include fluorinated GHGs that are deliberately combined with the product (e.g., to affect the performance characteristics of the product).
Code of Federal Regulations
[75 FR 79169, Dec. 17, 2010]