Calculate the total mass of each fluorinated GHG or nitrous oxide produced annually, except for amounts that are captured solely to be shipped off site for destruction, by using Equation OO-1 of this section:
Calculate the total mass of each fluorinated GHG or nitrous oxide produced over the period “p” by using Equation OO-2 of this section:
Calculate the total mass of each fluorinated GHG or nitrous oxide transformed by using Equation OO-3 of this section:
Code of Federal Regulations
FT = Mass of fluorinated GHG fed into the transformation process annually (metric tons).
Code of Federal Regulations
ET = The fraction of the fluorinated GHG or nitrous oxide fed into the transformation process that is transformed in the process (metric tons).
Calculate the total mass of each fluorinated GHG destroyed by using Equation OO-4 of this section: