In addition to the information required by § 98.3(c) and the applicable information required by § 98.36, each annual report must contain the information in paragraphs (a) through (k) of this section as applicable:
Annual emissions of CO2, biogenic CO2, CH4, biogenic CH4 N2 O, and biogenic N2 O (metric tons per year).
Annual quantities fossil fuels by type used in chemical recovery furnaces and chemical recovery combustion units in short tons for solid fuels, gallons for liquid fuels and scf for gaseous fuels.
Annual mass of the spent liquor solids combusted (short tons per year), and basis for determining the annual mass of the spent liquor solids combusted (whether based on T650 om-05 Solids Content of Black Liquor, TAPPI (incorporated by reference, see § 98.7) or an online measurement system).
The high heat value (HHV) of the spent liquor solids used in Equation AA-1 of this subpart (mmBtu per kilogram).
The default or site-specific emission factor for CO2, CH4, or N2 O, used in Equation AA-1 of this subpart (kg CO2, CH4, or N2 O per mmBtu).
The carbon content (CC) of the spent liquor solids, used in Equation AA-2 of this subpart (percent by weight, expressed as a decimal fraction, e.g., 95% = 0.95).
Annual quantities of fossil fuels by type used in pulp mill lime kilns in short tons for solid fuels, gallons for liquid fuels and scf for gaseous fuels.
Make-up quantity of CaCO3 used for the reporting year (metric tons per year) used in Equation AA-3 of this subpart.
Make-up quantity of Na2 CO3 used for the reporting year (metric tons per year) used in Equation AA-3 of this subpart.
Annual steam purchases (pounds of steam per year).
Annual production of pulp and/or paper products produced (metric tons).
Code of Federal Regulations
[74 FR 56374, Oct. 30, 2009, as amended at 75 FR 79166, Dec. 17, 2010]