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98.256—Data reporting requirements.

In addition to the reporting requirements of § 98.3(c), you must report the information specified in paragraphs (a) through (q) of this section.
(a) For combustion sources, follow the data reporting requirements under subpart C of this part (General Stationary Fuel Combustion Sources).
(b) For hydrogen plants, follow the data reporting requirements under subpart P of this part (Hydrogen Production).
(c) -(d) [Reserved]
(e) For flares, owners and operators shall report:
(1) The flare ID number (if applicable).
(2) A description of the type of flare (steam assisted, air-assisted).
(3) A description of the flare service (general facility flare, unit flare, emergency only or back-up flare).
(4) The calculated CO2, CH4, and N2 O annual emissions for each flare, expressed in metric tons of each pollutant emitted.
(5) A description of the method used to calculate the CO2 emissions for each flare (e.g., reference section and equation number).
(6) If you use Equation Y-1a of this subpart, an indication of whether daily or weekly measurement periods are used, the annual volume of flare gas combusted (in scf/year) and the annual average molecular weight (in kg/kg-mole), the molar volume conversion factor (in scf/kg-mole), and annual average carbon content of the flare gas (in kg carbon per kg flare gas).
(7) If you use Equation Y-1b of this subpart, an indication of whether daily or weekly measurement periods are used, the annual volume of flare gas combusted (in scf/year), the molar volume conversion factor (in scf/kg-mole), the annual average CO2 concentration (volume or mole percent), the number of carbon containing compounds other than CO2 in the flare gas stream, and for each of the carbon containing compounds other than CO2 in the flare gas stream:
(i) The annual average concentration of the compound (volume or mole percent).
(ii) The carbon mole number of the compound (moles carbon per mole compound).
(8) If you use Equation Y-2 of this subpart, an indication of whether daily or weekly measurement periods are used, the annual volume of flare gas combusted (in million (MM) scf/year), the annual average higher heating value of the flare gas (in mmBtu/mmscf), and an indication of whether the annual volume of flare gas combusted and the annual average higher heating value of the flare gas were determined using standard conditions of 68 °F and 14.7 psia or 60 °F and 14.7 psia.
(9) If you use Equation Y-3 of this subpart, the annual volume of flare gas combusted (in MMscf/year) during normal operations, the annual average higher heating value of the flare gas (in mmBtu/mmscf), the number of SSM events exceeding 500,000 scf/day, the volume of gas flared (in scf/event), the average molecular weight (in kg/kg-mole), the molar volume conversion factor (in scf/kg-mole), and carbon content of the flare gas (in kg carbon per kg flare) for each SSM event over 500,000 scf/day.
(10) The fraction of carbon in the flare gas contributed by methane used in Equation Y-4 of this subpart and the basis for its value.
(f) For catalytic cracking units, traditional fluid coking units, and catalytic reforming units, owners and operators shall report:
(1) The unit ID number (if applicable).
(2) A description of the type of unit (fluid catalytic cracking unit, thermal catalytic cracking unit, traditional fluid coking unit, or catalytic reforming unit).
(3) Maximum rated throughput of the unit, in bbl/stream day.
(4) The calculated CO2, CH4, and N2 O annual emissions for each unit, expressed in metric tons of each pollutant emitted.
(5) A description of the method used to calculate the CO2 emissions for each unit (e.g., reference section and equation number).
(6) If you use a CEMS, the relevant information required under § 98.36 for the Tier 4 Calculation Methodology, the CO2 annual emissions as measured by the CEMS (unadjusted to remove CO2 combustion emissions associated with additional units, if present) and the process CO2 emissions as calculated according to § 98.253(c)(1)(ii). Report the CO2 annual emissions associated with sources other than those from the coke burn-off in the applicable subpart (e.g., subpart C of this part in the case of a CO boiler).
(7) If you use Equation Y-6 of this subpart, the annual average exhaust gas flow rate, %CO2, %CO, and the molar volume conversion factor (in scf/kg-mole).
(8) If you use Equation Y-7a of this subpart, the annual average flow rate of inlet air and oxygen-enriched air, %O2, %Ooxy, %CO2, and %CO.
(9) If you use Equation Y-7b of this subpart, the annual average flow rate of inlet air and oxygen-enriched air, %N2,oxy, and %N2,exhaust.
(10) If you use Equation Y-8 of this subpart, the coke burn-off factor, annual throughput of unit, and the average carbon content of coke and the basis for the value.
(11) Indicate whether you use a measured value, a unit-specific emission factor, or a default emission factor for CH4 emissions. If you use a unit-specific emission factor for CH4, report the unit-specific emission factor for CH4, the units of measure for the unit-specific factor, the activity data for calculating emissions (e.g., if the emission factor is based on coke burn-off rate, the annual quantity of coke burned), and the basis for the factor.
(12) Indicate whether you use a measured value, a unit-specific emission factor, or a default emission factor for N2 O emissions. If you use a unit-specific emission factor for N2 O, report the unit-specific emission factor for N2 O, the units of measure for the unit-specific factor, the activity data for calculating emissions (e.g., if the emission factor is based on coke burn-off rate, the annual quantity of coke burned), and the basis for the factor.
(13) If you use Equation Y-11 of this subpart, the number of regeneration cycles or measurement periods during the reporting year, the average coke burn-off quantity per cycle or measurement period, and the average carbon content of the coke.
(g) For fluid coking unit of the flexicoking type, the owner or operator shall report:
(1) The unit ID number (if applicable).
(2) A description of the type of unit.
(3) Maximum rated throughput of the unit, in bbl/stream day.
(4) Indicate whether the GHG emissions from the low heat value gas are accounted for in subpart C of this part or § 98.253(c).
(5) If the GHG emissions for the low heat value gas are calculated at the flexicoking unit, also report the calculated annual CO2, CH4, and N2 O emissions for each unit, expressed in metric tons of each pollutant emitted, and the applicable equation input parameters specified in paragraphs (f)(7) through (f)(13) of this section.
(h) For sulfur recovery plants and for emissions from sour gas sent off-site for sulfur recovery, the owner and operator shall report:
(1) The plant ID number (if applicable).
(2) Maximum rated throughput of each independent sulfur recovery plant, in metric tons sulfur produced/stream day, a description of the type of sulfur recovery plant, and an indication of the method used to calculate CO2 annual emissions for the sulfur recovery plant (e.g., CO2 CEMS, Equation Y-12, or process vent method in § 98.253(j) ).
(3) The calculated CO2 annual emissions for each sulfur recovery plant, expressed in metric tons. The calculated annual CO2 emissions from sour gas sent off-site for sulfur recovery, expressed in metric tons.
(4) If you use Equation Y-12 of this subpart, the annual volumetric flow to the sulfur recovery plant (in scf/year), the molar volume conversion factor (in scf/kg-mole), and the annual average mole fraction of carbon in the sour gas (in kg-mole C/kg-mole gas).
(5) If you recycle tail gas to the front of the sulfur recovery plant, indicate whether the recycled flow rate and carbon content are included in the measured data under § 98.253(f)(2) and (3). Indicate whether a correction for CO2 emissions in the tail gas was used in Equation Y-12. If so, then report the value of the correction, the annual volume of recycled tail gas (in scf/year) and the annual average mole fraction of carbon in the tail gas (in kg-mole C/kg-mole gas). Indicate whether you used the default (95%) or a unit specific correction, and if used, report the approach used.
(6) If you use a CEMS, the relevant information required under § 98.36 for the Tier 4 Calculation Methodology, the CO2 annual emissions as measured by the CEMS and the annual process CO2 emissions calculated according to § 98.253(f)(1). Report the CO2 annual emissions associated with fuel combustion subpart C of this part (General Stationary Fuel Combustion Sources).
(7) If you use the process vent method in § 98.253(j) for a non-Claus sulfur recovery plant, the relevant information required under paragraph (l)(5) of this section.
(i) For coke calcining units, the owner and operator shall report:
(1) The unit ID number (if applicable).
(2) Maximum rated throughput of the unit, in metric tons coke calcined/stream day.
(3) The calculated CO2, CH4, and N2 O annual emissions for each unit, expressed in metric tons of each pollutant emitted.
(4) A description of the method used to calculate the CO2 emissions for each unit (e.g., reference section and equation number).
(5) If you use Equation Y-13 of this subpart, annual mass and carbon content of green coke fed to the unit, the annual mass and carbon content of marketable coke produced, the annual mass of coke dust removed from the process through dust collection systems, and an indication of whether coke dust is recycled to the unit (e.g., all dust is recycled, a portion of the dust is recycled, or none of the dust is recycled).
(6) If you use a CEMS, the relevant information required under § 98.36 for the Tier 4 Calculation Methodology, the CO2 annual emissions as measured by the CEMS and the annual process CO2 emissions calculated according to § 98.253(g)(1).
(7) Indicate whether you use a measured value, a unit-specific emission factor or a default for CH4 emissions. If you use a unit-specific emission factor for CH4, the unit-specific emission factor for CH4, the units of measure for the unit-specific factor, the activity data for calculating emissions (e.g., if the emission factor is based on coke burn-off rate, the annual quantity of coke burned), and the basis for the factor.
(8) Indicate whether you use a measured value, a unit-specific emission factor, or a default emission factor for N2 O emissions. If you use a unit-specific emission factor for N2 O, report the unit-specific emission factor for N2 O, the units of measure for the unit-specific factor, the activity data for calculating emissions (e.g., if the emission factor is based on coke burn-off rate, the annual quantity of coke burned), and the basis for the factor.
(j) For asphalt blowing operations, the owner or operator shall report:
(1) The unit ID number (if applicable).
(2) The quantity of asphalt blown (in million bbl) at the unit in the reporting year.
(3) The type of control device used to reduce methane (and other organic) emissions from the unit.
(4) The calculated annual CO2 and CH4 emissions for each unit, expressed in metric tons of each pollutant emitted.
(5) If you use Equation Y-14 of this subpart, the CO2 emission factor used and the basis for the value.
(6) If you use Equation Y-15 of this subpart, the CH4 emission factor used and the basis for the value.
(7) If you use Equation Y-16 of this subpart, the carbon emission factor used and the basis for the value.
(8) If you use Equation Y-16b of this subpart, the CO2 emission factor used and the basis for its value and the carbon emission factor used and the basis for its value.
(9) If you use Equation Y-17 of this subpart, the CH4 emission factor used and the basis for the value.
(k) For delayed coking units, the owner or operator shall report:
(1) The cumulative annual CH4 emissions (in metric tons of CH4) for all delayed coking units at the facility.
(2) A description of the method used to calculate the CH4 emissions for each unit (e.g., reference section and equation number).
(3) The total number of delayed coking units at the facility, the total number of delayed coking drums at the facility, and for each coke drum or vessel: The dimensions, the typical gauge pressure of the coking drum when first vented to the atmosphere, typical void fraction, the typical drum outage (i.e. the unfilled distance from the top of the drum, in feet), the molar volume conversion factor (in scf/kg-mole), and annual number of coke-cutting cycles.
(4) For each set of coking drums that are the same dimensions: The number of coking drums in the set, the height and diameter of the coke drums (in feet), the cumulative number of vessel openings for all delayed coking drums in the set, the typical venting pressure (in psig), void fraction (in cf gas/cf of vessel), and the mole fraction of methane in coking gas (in kg-mole CF4 /kg-mole gas, wet basis).
(5) The basis for the volumetric void fraction of the coke vessel prior to steaming and the basis for the mole fraction of methane in the coking gas.
(l) For each process vent subject to § 98.253(j), the owner or operator shall report:
(1) The vent ID number (if applicable).
(2) The unit or operation associated with the emissions.
(3) The type of control device used to reduce methane (and other organic) emissions from the unit, if applicable.
(4) The calculated annual CO2, CH4, and N2 O emissions for each vent, expressed in metric tons of each pollutant emitted.
(5) The annual volumetric flow discharged to the atmosphere (in scf), and an indication of the measurement or estimation method, annual average mole fraction of each GHG above the concentration threshold or otherwise required to be reported and an indication of the measurement or estimation method, the molar volume conversion factor (in scf/kg-mole), and for intermittent vents, the number of venting events and the cumulative venting time.
(m) For uncontrolled blowdown systems, the owner or operator shall report:
(1) An indication of whether the uncontrolled blowdown emission are reported under § 98.253(k) or § 98.253(j) or a statement that the facility does not have any uncontrolled blowdown systems.
(2) The cumulative annual CH4 emissions (in metric tons of CH4) for uncontrolled blowdown systems.
(3) For uncontrolled blowdown systems reporting under § 98.253(k), the total quantity (in million bbl) of crude oil plus the quantity of intermediate products received from off site that are processed at the facility in the reporting year, the methane emission factor used for uncontrolled blowdown systems, the basis for the value, and the molar volume conversion factor (in scf/kg-mole).
(4) For uncontrolled blowdown systems reporting under § 98.253(j), the relevant information required under paragraph (l)(5) of this section.
(n) For equipment leaks, the owner or operator shall report:
(1) The cumulative CH4 emissions (in metric tons of each pollutant emitted) for all equipment leak sources.
(2) The method used to calculate the reported equipment leak emissions.
(3) The number of each type of emission source listed in Equation Y-21 of this subpart at the facility.
(o) For storage tanks, the owner or operator shall report:
(1) The cumulative annual CH4 emissions (in metric tons of CH4) for all storage tanks, except for those used to process unstabilized crude oil.
(2) For storage tanks other than those processing unstabilized crude oil:
(i) The method used to calculate the reported storage tank emissions for storage tanks other than those processing unstabilized crude (i.e., either AP 42, Section 7.1 (incorporated by reference, see § 98.7 ), or Equation Y-22 of this section).
(ii) The total quantity (in MMbbl) of crude oil plus the quantity of intermediate products received from off site that are processed at the facility in the reporting year.
(3) The cumulative CH4 emissions (in metric tons of CH4) for storage tanks used to process unstabilized crude oil or a statement that the facility did not receive any unstabilized crude oil during the reporting year.
(4) For storage tanks that process unstabilized crude oil:
(i) The method used to calculate the reported unstabilized crude oil storage tank emissions.
(ii) The quantity of unstabilized crude oil received during the calendar year (in MMbbl).
(iii) The average pressure differential (in psi).
(iv) The molar volume conversion factor (in scf/kg-mole).
(v) The average mole fraction of CH4 in vent gas from unstabilized crude oil storage tanks and the basis for the mole fraction.
(vi) If you did not use Equation Y-23, the tank-specific methane composition data and the gas generation rate data used to estimate the cumulative CH4 emissions for storage tanks used to process unstabilized crude oil.
(5) The method used to calculate the reported storage tank emissions for storage tanks processing unstabilized crude oil.
(6) The quantity of unstabilized crude oil received during the calendar year (in MMbbl), the average pressure differential (in psi), and the mole fraction of CH4 in vent gas from the unstabilized crude oil storage tank, and the basis for the mole fraction.
(7) The tank-specific methane composition data and the gas generation rate data, if you did not use Equation Y-23.
(p) For loading operations, the owner or operator shall report:
(1) The cumulative annual CH4 emissions (in metric tons of each pollutant emitted) for loading operations.
(2) The quantity and types of materials loaded by vessel type (barge, tanker, marine vessel, etc.) that have an equilibrium vapor-phase concentration of methane of 0.5 volume percent or greater, and the type of vessels in which the material is loaded.
(3) The type of control system used to reduce emissions from the loading of material with an equilibrium vapor-phase concentration of methane of 0.5 volume percent or greater, if any (submerged loading, vapor balancing, etc.).
(q) Name of each method listed in § 98.254 or a description of manufacturer's recommended method used to determine a measured parameter.

Code of Federal Regulations

[74 FR 56374, Oct. 30, 2009, as amended at 75 FR 79164, Dec. 17, 2010]