A complete record of all measured parameters used in the GHG emissions calculations in § 98.173 is required. Therefore, whenever a quality-assured value of a required parameter is unavailable, a substitute data value for the missing parameter shall be used in the calculations as specified in the paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section. You must follow the missing data procedures in § 98.255(b) of subpart Y (Petroleum Refineries) of this part for flares burning coke oven gas or blast furnace gas. You must document and keep records of the procedures used for all such estimates.
For each missing data for the carbon content of inputs and outputs for facilities that estimate emissions using the carbon mass balance procedure in § 98.173(b)(1) or for facilities that estimate emissions using the site-specific emission factor procedure in § 98.173(b)(2); 100 percent data availability is required. You must repeat the test for average carbon contents of inputs and outputs according to the procedures in § 98.174(b)(2). Similarly, you must repeat the test to determine the site-specific emission factor if data on the CO2 emission rate, process production rate or process feed rate are missing.
For missing records of the monthly mass or volume of carbon-containing inputs and outputs using the carbon mass balance procedure in § 98.173(b)(1), the substitute data value must be based on the best available estimate of the mass of the input or output material from all available process data or data used for accounting purposes.
Code of Federal Regulations
[74 FR 56374, Oct. 30, 2009, as amended at 75 FR 66464, Oct. 28, 2010]