Each CAIR opt-in permit will contain:
All elements required for a complete CAIR permit application under § 96.122 ;
The unit's baseline heat input under § 96.184(c) ;
The unit's baseline NOX emission rate under § 96.184(d) ;
A statement that the unit may withdraw from the CAIR NOX Annual Trading Program only in accordance with § 96.186; and
A statement that the unit is subject to, and the owners and operators of the unit must comply with, the requirements of § 96.187.
Each CAIR opt-in permit is deemed to incorporate automatically the definitions of terms under § 96.102 and, upon recordation by the Administrator under subpart FF or GG of this part or this subpart, every allocation, transfer, or deduction of CAIR NOX allowances to or from the compliance account of the source that includes a CAIR NOX opt-in unit covered by the CAIR opt-in permit.
The CAIR opt-in permit shall be included, in a format specified by the permitting authority, in the CAIR permit for the source where the CAIR NOX opt-in unit is located and in a title V operating permit or other federally enforceable permit for the source.
Code of Federal Regulations
[70 FR 25339, May 12, 2005, as amended at 71 FR 25385, Apr. 28, 2006]