Remanufacturers of locomotives or locomotive engines shall audit the remanufacture of locomotives covered by its certificate(s) of conformity for proper components, component settings and component installations on randomly chosen locomotives in an engine family. Such audits shall be conducted in compliance with the requirements of this section.
The remanufacturer must ensure that all emission related components are properly installed on the locomotive or locomotive engine.
The remanufacturer must ensure that all emission related components are set to the proper specification as indicated in the remanufacture instructions.
Remanufacturers are allowed to submit audits performed by the owners or operators of the locomotives, provided the audits are performed in accordance with the provisions of this section.
The required initial sample size (i.e., the sample size if no failures occur) for each remanufacturer is five percent of the remanufacturer's annual sales per model year per installer, with a maximum number of ten per engine family per installer.
The locomotives audited shall be randomly selected after the remanufacture is complete. The Administrator may allow the locomotives to be selected prior to the completion of the remanufacture, where such preselection would not have the potential to affect the manner in which the locomotive was remanufactured (e.g., where the installer is not aware of the selection prior to the completion of the remanufacture).
The remanufactured locomotive or locomotive engine may accumulate no more than 10,000 miles prior to an audit.
A failed remanufactured locomotive or locomotive engine is one on which any remanufacture components are found to be improperly installed, improperly adjusted or incorrectly used.
If a remanufactured locomotive or locomotive engine fails an audit, then the remanufacturer must audit two additional locomotives or locomotive engines from the next ten remanufactured in that engine family by that installer.
An engine family is determined to have failed an audit, if at any time during the model year, the remanufacturer determines that the three locomotives audited are found to have had any improperly installed, improperly adjusted or incorrectly used components. The remanufacturer must notify EPA within 2 working days of a determination of an engine family audit failure.
Within 45 calendar days of the end of each quarter, each remanufacturer must submit to the Administrator a report which includes the following information:
The location and description of the remanufacturer's audit facilities which were utilized to conduct auditing reported pursuant to this section;
Total production and sample size for each engine family;
The applicable standards and/or FELs against which each engine family was audited;
For each audit conducted:
A description of the audit locomotive or locomotive engine, including:
Configuration and engine family identification;
Year, make, build date, and remanufacturer date; and
Engine identification number;
Any other information the Administrator may request relevant to the determination whether the new locomotives or locomotive engines being manufactured or remanufactured by the remanufacturer do in fact conform with the regulations in this part with respect to which the certificate of conformity was issued;
For each failed locomotive or locomotive engine as defined in paragraph (d) of this section, a description of the remedy as required by § 92.512(g) ;
The following signed statement and endorsement by an authorized representative of the remanufacturer:
Code of Federal Regulations
[63 FR 18998, Apr. 16, 1998, as amended at 70 FR 40456, July 13, 2005]