The required test data shall be grouped into the following two general categories:
(1) Pre-test data.
These data are general test data that must be recorded for each test. The data are of a more descriptive nature such as identification of the test engine, test site number, etc. As such, these data can be recorded at any time within 24 hours of the test.
(2) Test data.
These data are physical test data that must be recorded at the time of testing.
When requested, data shall be supplied in the format specified by the Administrator.
(c) Pre-test data.
The following shall be recorded, and reported to the Administrator for each test conducted for compliance with the provisions of this part:
Engine family identification (including subfamily identification, such as for aftertreatment systems).
Locomotive and engine identification, including model, manufacturer and/or remanufacturer, and identification number.
Locomotive and engine parameters, including fuel type, recommended oil type, exhaust configuration and sizes, base injection (ignition) timing, operating temperature, advance/retard injection (ignition) timing controls, recommended start-up and warm-up procedures, alternator generator efficiency curve.
Locomotive or engine and instrument operator(s).
Number of hours of operation accumulated on the locomotive or engine prior to beginning the testing.
Dates of most recent calibrations required by §§ 92.115-92.122.
All pertinent instrument information such as tuning (as applicable), gain, serial numbers, detector number, calibration curve number, etc. As long as this information is traceable, it may be summarized by system or analyzer identification numbers.
A description of the exhaust duct and sample probes, including dimensions and locations.
Test data. The physical parameters necessary to compute the test results and ensure accuracy of the results shall be recorded for each test conducted for compliance with the provisions of this part. Additional test data may be recorded at the discretion of the manufacturer or remanufacturer. Extreme details of the test measurements such as analyzer chart deflections will generally not be required on a routine basis to be reported to the Administrator for each test, unless a dispute about the accuracy of the data arises. The following types of data shall be required to be reported to the Administrator. The applicable Application Format for Certification will specify the exact requirements which may change slightly from year to year with the addition or deletion of certain items.
Date and time of day.
Engine intake air and test cell (or ambient, as applicable) temperature.
For each test point, the temperature of air entering the engine after compression and cooling in the charge air cooler(s). If testing is not performed on a locomotive, the corresponding temperatures when the engine is in operation in a locomotive at ambient conditions represented by the test.
Barometric pressure. (A central laboratory barometer may be used: Provided, that individual test cell barometric pressures are shown to be within ±0.1 percent of the barometric pressure at the central barometer location.)
Engine intake and test cell dilution air humidity.
Measured horsepower and engine speed for each test mode.
Identification and specifications of test fuel used.
Measured fuel consumption rate at maximum power.
Temperature set point of the heated continuous analysis system components (if applicable).
All measured flow rates, dilution factor, and fraction of exhaust diluted for diluted exhaust measurements (as applicable) for each test mode.
Temperature of the dilute exhaust mixture at the inlet to the respective gas meter(s) or flow instrumentation used for particulate sampling.
The maximum temperature of the dilute exhaust mixture immediately ahead of the particulate filter.
Sample concentrations (background corrected as applicable) for HC, CO, CO2, and NOX (and methane, NMHC, alcohols and aldehydes, as applicable) for each test mode. This includes the continuous trace and the steady-state value (or integrated value where required).
The stabilized pre-test weight and post-test weight of each particulate sample and back-up filter or pair of filters.
Brake specific emissions (g/BHP-hr) for HC, CO, NOX. particulate and, if applicable, CH3, NMHC, THCE, CH3 OH, CH3CH2OH, CH2O and CH3CHO for each test mode.
The weighted brake specific emissions for HC, CO, NOX and particulate (g/BHP-hr) for the total test for the duty-cycle(s) applicable to the locomotive.
The smoke opacity for each test mode. This includes the continuous trace, the peak values and the steady-state value.
Code of Federal Regulations
Effective Date Note:
At 63 FR 19044, Apr. 16, 1998, § 92.133
was added. This section contains information collection and recordkeeping requirements and will not become effective until approval has been given by the Office of Management and Budget.