(a) Chart recorders.
The recommended minimum chart speed for gaseous measurements is 1 cm per minute. (Higher chart speeds are required for smoke measurements during the acceleration phases of the test sequence.)
All chart recorders (analyzers, torque, rpm, etc.) shall be provided with automatic markers which indicate ten second intervals. Preprinted chart paper (ten second intervals) may be used in lieu of the automatic markers provided the correct chart speed is used. (Markers which indicate 1 second intervals are required for smoke measurements during the acceleration phases of the test sequence.)
(b) Automatic data collection.
In lieu of the use of chart recorders, automatic data collection equipment may be used to record all required data. The automatic data collection equipment must be capable of sampling at least two records per second.
Other means may be used provided they produce a permanent visual data record of a quality equal to or better than those required by this subpart (e.g., tabulated data, traces, or plots).
(c) Temperature measurements.
The following temperature measurements shall be accurate to within 1.0 °F (0.6 °C):
Temperature measurements used in calculating the engine intake humidity;
The temperature of the fuel, in volume measuring flow rate devices;
The temperature of the sample within the water trap(s);
Temperature measurements used to correct gas volumes (e.g., to standard conditions) or to calculate mass or moles of a sample.
All other temperature measurements shall be accurate within 3.0 °F (1.7 °C).
(d) Electrical measurements.
Instruments used to measure engine power output shall comply with the requirements of § 92.106.
(e) Pressure measurements.
Gauges and transducers used to measure any pressures used to correct gas volumes (e.g., to standard conditions) or to calculate mass or moles of a sample shall have an accuracy and precision of 0.1 percent of absolute pressure at point or better.
Gauges and transducers used to measure any other pressures shall have an accuracy and precision of 1 percent of absolute pressure at point or better.
Code of Federal Regulations
[63 FR 18998, Apr. 16, 1998, as amended at 70 FR 40453, July 13, 2005]