90.709—Calculation and reporting of test results.
Initial test results are calculated following the applicable test procedure specified in § 90.707 (a). The manufacturer rounds these results to the number of decimal places contained in the applicable emission standard expressed to one additional significant figure.
Final test results are calculated by summing the initial test results derived in paragraph (a) of this section for each test engine, dividing by the number of tests conducted on the engine, and rounding to the same number of decimal places contained in the applicable standard expressed to one additional significant figure.
The final deteriorated test results for each test engine are calculated by applying the appropriate deterioration factors, derived in the certification process for the engine to the final test results, and rounding to the same number of decimal places contained in the applicable standard.
If, at any time during the model year, the CumSum statistic exceeds the applicable action limit, H, in two consecutive tests for any regulated pollutant, (HC NOX (NMHC NOX) or CO) the engine family may be determined to be in noncompliance and the manufacturer must notify EPA by contacting its official EPA certification representative within ten working days of such exceedance by the CumSum statistic.
Within 45 calendar days of the end of each quarter, each engine manufacturer must submit to the Administrator a report which includes the following information:
The location and description of the manufacturer's or other's exhaust emission test facilities which were utilized to conduct testing reported pursuant to this section;
Total production and sample sizes, N and n, for each engine family;
The FEL (standard, if no FEL) against which each engine family was tested;
A description of the process to obtain engines on a random basis;
A description of the test engines;
For each test conducted:
A description of the test engine, including:
Configuration and engine family identification;
Year, make, and build date;
Engine identification number; and
Number of hours of service accumulated on engine prior to testing;
Location where service accumulation was conducted and description of accumulation procedure and schedule;
Test number, date, test procedure used, initial test results before and after rounding, final test results before and after rounding and final deteriorated test results for all exhaust emission tests, whether valid or invalid, and the reason for invalidation, if applicable;
A complete description of any adjustment, modification, repair, preparation, maintenance, and/or testing which was performed on the test engine, was not reported pursuant to any other paragraph of this subpart, and will not be performed on all other production engines;
A CumSum analysis, as required in § 90.708, of the production line test results for each engine family; and
Any other information the Administrator may request relevant to the determination whether the new engines being manufactured by the manufacturer do in fact conform with the regulations with respect to which the certificate of conformity was issued;
For each failed engine as defined in § 90.710(a), a description of the remedy and test results for all retests as required by § 90.711(g) ;
The date of the end of the engine manufacturer's model year production for each engine family; and
The following signed statement and endorsement by an authorized representative of the manufacturer: