If, after a review of the manufacturer's submitted application, information obtained from any inspection, and such other information as the Administrator may require, the Administrator determines that the application is complete and that the engine family meets the requirements of this part and the Clean Air Act, the Administrator shall issue a certificate of conformity.
The Administrator shall give a written explanation when certification is denied. The manufacturer may request a hearing on a denial. (See § 90.124 for procedure.)
For certificates issued for engine families included in the averaging, banking and trading program as described in subpart C of this part:
Failure to comply with all applicable averaging, banking and trading provisions in this part will be considered to be a failure to comply with the terms and conditions upon which the certificate was issued, and the certificate may be determined to be void ab initio.
The manufacturer shall bear the burden of establishing to the satisfaction of the Administrator that the conditions upon which the certificate was granted were satisfied or waived.
The Administrator may, upon request by a manufacturer, waive any requirement of this part otherwise necessary for the issuance of a certificate. The Administrator may set such conditions in a certificate as he or she deems appropriate to assure that the waived requirements are either satisfied or are demonstrated, for the subject engines, to be inappropriate, irrelevant or met by the application of a different requirement under this chapter. The Administrator may indicate on such conditional certificates that failure to meet these conditions may result in suspension or revocation or the voiding ab initio of the certificate.
Code of Federal Regulations
[60 FR 34598, July 3, 1995, as amended at 64 FR 15238, Mar. 30, 1999]