The procedures described in this and subsequent sections are used to determine the conformity of motorcycles with the standards set forth in subpart E of this part.
The overall test consists of prescribed sequences of fueling, parking, and operating conditions.
The exhaust emission test is designed to determine hydrocarbon (gasoline-fueled, natural gas-fueled and liquefied petroleum gas-fueled motorcycles), methanol, formaldehyde, and hydrocarbon (methanol-fueled motorcycles), carbon monoxide and oxides of nitrogen mass emissions while simulating an average trip in an urban area. The test consists of engine startups and motorcycle operation on a chassis dynamometer, through a specified driving schedule. A proportional part of the diluted exhaust emissions is collected continuously for subsequent analysis, using a constant volume (variable dilution) sampler.
Except in cases of component malfunction or failure, all emission control systems installed on or incorporated in a new motorcycle shall be functioning during all procedures in this subpart. Maintenance to correct component malfunction or failure shall be authorized in accordance with subpart E of this part.
Background concentrations are measured for all species for which emissions measurements are made. For exhaust testing, this requires sampling and analysis of the dilution air. (When testing methanol-fueled motorcycles, manufacturers may choose not to measure background concentrations of methanol and/or formaldehyde, and then assume that the concentrations are zero during calculations.)
Code of Federal Regulations
[54 FR 14551, Apr. 11, 1989, as amended at 59 FR 48515, Sept. 21, 1994; 60 FR 34357, June 30, 1995]