(a) Control system calibration.
Before the cold soak or cool down:
Final calibration of the dynamometer and throttle control systems may be performed. These calibrations may consist of steady-state operations and/or actual practice cycle runs, and must be completed before sampling system preconditioning (if applicable).
Conduct sampling system preconditioning for diesel engines (optional for model years prior to 2007) by operating the engine at a condition of rated-speed, 100 percent torque for a minimum of 20 minutes while simultaneously operating the CVS and secondary dilution system and taking particulate matter emissions samples from the secondary dilution tunnel . Particulate sample filters need not be stabilized or weighed, and may be discarded. Filter media may be changed during conditioning as long as the total sampled time through the filters and sampling system exceeds 20 minutes. Flow rates shall be set at the approximate flow rates selected for transient testing. Torque shall be reduced from 100 percent torque while maintaining the rated speed condition as necessary to prevent exceeding the maximum sample zone temperature specifications of § 86.1310-2007.
Following sampling system preconditioning cycle, the engine shall be cooled per § 86.1335-90.
Code of Federal Regulations
[48 FR 52210, Nov. 16, 1983, as amended at 49 FR 48145, Dec. 10, 1984; 52 FR 47874, Dec. 16, 1987; 62 FR 47131, Sept. 5, 1997; 66 FR 5186, Jan. 18, 2001]]