Sampling for particulate, methanol and formaldehyde emissions requires the use of gas meters or flow instrumentation to determine flow through the particulate filters, methanol impingers and formaldehyde impingers. These instruments shall receive initial and periodic calibrations as follows:
Install a calibration device in series with the instrument. A critical flow orifice, a bellmouth nozzle, or a laminar flow element or an NBS traceable flow calibration device is required as the standard device.
The flow system should be checked for leaks between the calibration and sampling meters, including any pumps that may be part of the system, using good engineering practice.
Flow air through the calibration system at the sample flow rate used for particulate, methanol, and formaldehyde testing and at the backpressure which occurs during the sample test.
When the temperature and pressure in the system have stabilized, measure the indicated gas volume over a time period of at least five minutes or until a gas volume of at least ±1 percent accuracy can be determined by the standard device. Record the stabilized air temperature and pressure upstream of the instrument and as required for the standard device.
Calculate air flow at standard conditions as measured by both the standard device and the instrument(s). (Standard conditions are defined as 68 °F (20 °C) and 29.92 in Hg (101.3 kPa).)
Repeat the procedures of paragraphs (a) (2) through (4) of this section using at least two flow rates which bracket the typical operating range.
If the air flow at standard conditions measured by the instrument differs by ±1.0 percent of the maximum operating range or ±2.0 percent of the point (whichever is smaller), then a correction shall be made by either of the following two methods:
Mechanically adjust the instrument so that it agrees with the calibration measurement at the specified flow rates using the criteria of paragraph (a)(6) of this section, or
Develop a continuous best fit calibration curve for the instrument (as a function of the calibration device flow measurement) from the calibration points to determine corrected flow. The points on the calibration curve relative to the calibration device measurements must be within ±1.0 percent of the maximum operating range of ±2.0 percent of the point (whichever is smaller).
For double dilution systems, the accuracy of the secondary dilution flow measurement device should be within ±1.0 percent of the total flow through the filter.
(b) Other systems.
A bell prover may be used to calibrate the instrument if the procedure outlined in ANSI B109.1-1973 is used. Prior approval by the Administrator is not required to use the bell prover.
Code of Federal Regulations
[54 FR 14593, Apr. 11, 1989]