86.1310-2007—Exhaust gas sampling and analytical system for gaseous emissions from heavy-duty diesel-fueled engines and particulate emissions from all engines.
(a) General. The exhaust gas sampling system described in this paragraph is designed to measure the true mass of both gaseous and particulate emissions in the exhaust of heavy-duty diesel engines, and particulate emissions in the exhaust of all heavy-duty engines. (Gaseous emissions from non-petroleum-fueled diesel engines are measured using the system described in § 86.1309.) This system utilizes the CVS concept (described in § 86.1309) of measuring the combined mass emissions of THC, NOX, CH4 (if applicable) CO, CO2 and particulate matter. For all emission measurement systems described in this section, multiple or redundant systems may be used during a single test. Statistical averages of data from multiple systems may be used to calculate test results, consistent with good engineering judgment. Weighted averages are allowed, where appropriate Statistical outliers may be discarded, but all results must be reported. If the Administrator determines that the statistical analysis is not consistent with good engineering judgment, he/she may determine compliance from the arithmetic mean of the results. A continuously integrated system may be used for THC, NOX , CO and CO2 measurement. The use of proportional bag sampling for sample integration is allowed for THC, NOX, CO, and CO2 measurement, but requirements specific to bag sampling from diesel exhaust must be met for the THC and NOX emissions measurements. CH4 measurement for calculation of NMHC (if applicable) is measured using GC-FID analysis of a proportional bag sample. The mass of gaseous emissions is determined from the sample concentration and total flow over the test period. The mass of particulate emissions is determined from a proportional mass sample collected on a filter and from the sample flow and total flow over the test period. As an option, the measurement of total fuel mass consumed over a cycle may be substituted for the exhaust measurement of CO2. General requirements are as follows:
(1) This sampling system requires the use of a CVS The CVS system may use a PDP or a CFV. PDP systems must use a heat exchanger. CFV systems may use either a heat exchanger or electronic flow compensation. When electronic flow compensation is used, the CFV may be replaced by a subsonic venturi (SSV) as long as the CVS concept as defined in § 86.1309 is maintained (i.e., a constant volumetric flow-rate through the CVS is maintained for the duration of the test). Figure N07-1 is a schematic drawing of the CVS system.
(2) The THC analytical system for diesel engines requires a heated flame ionization detector (HFID) and heated sample system (191 ±11 °C) using either:
(i) Continuously integrated measurement of diluted THC meeting the minimum requirements and technical specifications contained in paragraph (b)(3) of this section. Unless compensation for varying mass flow is made, a constant mass flow system must be used to ensure a proportional sample; or
(ii) Heated (191 ±11 °C) proportional bag sampling systems for hydrocarbon measurement will be allowed if the bag sampling system meets the performance specifications for outgassing and permeability as defined in paragraph (b)(2) of this section.
(3) CH4 measurement, if applicable, shall be conducted using a proportional bag sampling system with subsequent analysis using a gas chromatograph and FID. The CH4 measurement shall be done in accordance with SAE Recommended Practice J1151, “Methane Measurement Using Gas Chromatography” (1994 SAE Handbook, Volume 1: Materials, Fuels, Emissions, and Noise, Section 13, Page 13.170), which is incorporated by reference pursuant to § 86.1(b)(2). As an alternative, the manufacturer may choose one of the options set forth in § 86.004-28(c)(8).
(4) -(5) [Reserved]
(6) The CO and CO2 analytical system requires:
(i) Bag sampling ( § 86.1309) and analytical ( § 86.1311) capabilities, as shown in Figure N07-1; or
(ii) Continuously integrated measurement of diluted CO and CO2 meeting the minimum requirements and technical specifications contained in paragraph (b)(5) of this section. Unless compensation for varying flow is made, a constant flow system must be used to ensure a proportional sample; and
(7) The NOX analytical system requires:
(i) Continuously integrated measurement of diluted NOX meeting the minimum requirements and technical specifications contained in paragraph (b)(5) of this section. Unless compensation for varying flow is made, a constant flow system must be used to ensure a proportional sample.
(ii) Bag sampling ( § 86.1309) and analytical ( § 86.1311) capabilities, as shown in Figure N07-1 (or Figure 07-2) will be allowed provided that sample gas temperature is maintained above the sample's aqueous dewpoint at all times during collection and analysis.
(8) The mass of particulate in the exhaust is determined via filtration. The particulate sampling system requires dilution of the exhaust to a temperature of 47 °C ±5 °C, measured upstream of a single high-efficiency sample filter (as close to the filter as practical).
(9) Since various configurations can produce equivalent results, exact conformance with these drawings is not required. Additional components such as instruments, valves, solenoids, pumps, and switches may be used to provide additional information and coordinate the functions of the components of the system. Other components, such as snubbers, which are not needed to maintain accuracy on some systems, may be excluded if their exclusion is based upon good engineering judgment.
(10) Other sampling and/or analytical systems may be used if shown to yield equivalent results and if approved in advance by the Administrator (see § 86.1306-07 ).
(b) Component description. The components necessary for exhaust sampling shall meet the following requirements:
(1) Exhaust dilution system. The CVS shall conform to all of the requirements listed for the exhaust gas CVS systems in § 86.1309(b), (c), and (d). With respect to PM measurement, the intent of this measurement procedure is to perform the sample cooling primarily via dilution and mixing with air rather than via heat transfer to the surfaces of the sampling system. In addition the CVS must conform to the following requirements:
(i) The flow capacity of the CVS must be sufficient to maintain the diluted exhaust stream at the temperatures required for the measurement of particulate and hydrocarbon emission noted below and at, or above, the temperatures where aqueous condensation in the exhaust gases could occur. This is achieved by the following method. The flow capacity of the CVS must be sufficient to maintain the diluted exhaust stream in the primary dilution tunnel at a temperature of 191 °C or less at the sampling zone and as required to prevent condensation at any point in the dilution tunnel. Gaseous emission samples may be taken directly from this sampling point. An exhaust sample must then be taken at this point to be diluted a second time for use in determining particulate emissions. The secondary dilution system must provide sufficient secondary dilution air to maintain the double-diluted exhaust stream at a temperature of 47 C ±5 C, measured at a point located between the filter face and 16 cm upstream of the filter face.
(ii) For the CVS , either a heat exchanger (i.e. CFV-CVS) or electronic flow compensation (i.e. EFC-CFV-CVS), which also includes the particulate sample flows is required Refer to Figure N07-1.
(iii) When a heat exchanger is used, the gas mixture temperature, measured at a point immediately ahead of the critical flow venturi, shall be within ±11 °C of the average operating temperature observed during the test with the simultaneous requirement that aqueous condensation does not occur. The temperature measuring system (sensors and readout) shall have an accuracy and precision of ±1.9 °C. For systems utilizing a flow compensator to maintain proportional sampling, the requirement for maintaining constant temperature is not necessary.
(iv) The primary dilution air and secondary dilution air:
(A) Shall have a primary and secondary dilution air temperature equal to or greater than 15 °C.
(B) Primary dilution air shall be filtered at the dilution air inlet. The manufacturer of the primary dilution air filter shall state that the filter design has successfully achieved a minimum particle removal efficiency of 98% (less than 0.02 penetration) as determined using ASTM test method F 1471-93 (incorporated by reference at section 86.1 ). Secondary dilution air shall be filtered at the dilution air inlet using a high-efficiency particulate air filter (HEPA). The HEPA filter manufacturer shall state the HEPA filter design has successfully achieved a minimum particle removal efficiency of 99.97% (less than 0.0003 penetration) as determined using ASTM test method F 1471-93. It is recommended that the primary dilution air be filtered using a HEPA filter. EPA intends to utilize HEPA filters to condition primary dilution air in its test facilities. It is acceptable to use of a booster blower upstream or downstream of a HEPA filter in the primary dilution tunnel (and upstream of the introduction of engine exhaust into the CVS) to compensate for the additional pressure loss associated with the filter. The design of any booster blower located downstream of the filter should minimize the introduction of additional particulate matter into the CVS.
(C) Primary dilution air may be sampled to determine background particulate levels, which can then be subtracted from the values measured in the diluted exhaust stream. In the case of primary dilution air, the background particulate filter sample shall be taken immediately downstream of the dilution air filter and upstream of the engine exhaust flow (Figure N07-1). The provisions of paragraphs (b)(7) of this section, and of § 86.1312-2007 also apply to the measurement of background particulate matter, except that the filter temperature must be maintained below 52 °C.
(2) Heated proportional bag sampling systems. If a heated (191 ±11 °C) proportional bag sampling system is used for THC measurement, sample bags must demonstrate minimal outgassing and permeability by passing the following performance test:
(i) Performance test for sample bag HC outgassing and CO2 permeability. Bring the bag system to its operational temperature. Fill the heated sample bag with a nominal mixture of 1% CO2 in N2. Perform an initial measurement of CO2 and THC from the sample bag, and repeat the measurement after one hour. Acceptable performance criteria are <2% decrease of the initial CO2 reading and <1 ppmC THC.
(ii) [Reserved]
(3) Continuous HC measurement system.(i) The continuous HC sample system (as shown in Figure N07-1) uses an “overflow” zero and span system. In this type of system, excess zero or span gas spills out of the probe when zero and span checks of the analyzer are made. The “overflow” system may also be used to calibrate the HC analyzer per § 86.1321(b), although this is not required.
(ii) No other analyzers may draw a sample from the continuous HC sample probe, line or system, unless a common sample pump is used for all analyzers and the sample line system design reflects good engineering practice.
(iii) The overflow gas flow rates into the sample line shall be at least 105% of the sample system flow rate.
(iv) The overflow gases shall enter the heated sample line as close as practicable to the outside surface of the CVS duct or dilution tunnel.
(v) The continuous HC sampling system shall consist of a probe (which must raise the sample to the specified temperature) and, where used, a sample transfer system (which must maintain the specified temperature). The continuous hydrocarbon sampling system (exclusive of the probe) shall:
(A) Maintain a wall temperature of 191 °C ±11 °C as measured at every separately controlled heated component (i.e., filters, heated line sections), using permanent thermocouples located at each of the separate components.
(B) Have a wall temperature of 191 °C ±11 °C over its entire length. The temperature of the system shall be demonstrated by profiling the thermal characteristics of the system at initial installation and after any major maintenance performed on the system. The temperature profile of the HC sampling system shall be demonstrated by inserting thermocouple wires (typically Teflon TM coated for ease of insertion) into the sampling system assembled in-situ where possible, using good engineering judgment. The wire should be inserted up to the HFID inlet. Stabilize the sampling system heaters at normal operating temperatures. Withdraw the wires in increments of 5 cm to 10 cm (2 inches to 4 inches) including all fittings. Record the stabilized temperature at each position. The system temperature will be monitored during testing at the locations and temperature described in § 86.1310-90(b)(3)(v)(A).
Code of Federal Regulations
Code of Federal Regulations157
Note:It is understood that profiling of the sample line can be done under flowing conditions also as required with the probe. This test may be cumbersome if test facilities utilize long transfer lines and many fittings; therefore it is recommended that transfer lines be kept as short as possible and the use of fittings should be kept minimal.
(C) Maintain a gas temperature of 191 °C ±11 °C immediately before the heated filter and HFID. These gas temperatures will be determined by a temperature sensor located immediately upstream of each component.
(vi) The continuous hydrocarbon sampling probe shall:
(A) Be defined as the first 25.4 cm (10 in) to 76.2 cm (30 in) of the continuous hydrocarbon sampling system;
(B) Have a 0.483 cm (0.19 in) minimum inside diameter;
(C) Be installed in the primary dilution tunnel at a point where the dilution air and exhaust are well mixed (i.e., approximately 10 tunnel diameters downstream of the point where the exhaust enters the dilution tunnel);
(D) Be sufficiently distant (radially) from other probes and the tunnel wall so as to be free from the influence of any wakes or eddies; and
(E) Increase the gas stream temperature to 191 °C ±11 °C by the exit of the probe. The ability of the probe to accomplish this shall be demonstrated at typical sample flow rates using the insertion thermocouple technique at initial installation and after any major maintenance. Compliance with the temperature specification shall be demonstrated by monitoring during each test the temperature of either the gas stream or the wall of the sample probe at its terminus.
(vii) The response time of the continuous measurement system shall be no greater than:
(A) 1.5 seconds from an instantaneous step change at the port entrance to the analyzer to within 90 percent of the step change;
(B) 10 seconds from an instantaneous step change at the entrance to the sample probe or overflow span gas port to within 90 percent of the step change. Analysis system response time shall be coordinated with CVS flow fluctuations and sampling time/test cycle offsets if necessary; and
(C) For the purpose of verification of response times, the step change shall be at least 60 percent of full-scale chart deflection.
(4) Primary-dilution tunnel.(i) The primary dilution tunnel shall be:
(A) Small enough in diameter to cause turbulent flow (Reynolds Number greater than 4000) and of sufficient length to cause complete mixing of the exhaust and dilution air. Good engineering judgment shall dictate the use of mixing plates and mixing orifices to ensure a well-mixed sample. To verify mixing, EPA recommends flowing a tracer gas (i.e. propane or CO2) from the raw exhaust inlet of the dilution tunnel and measuring its concentration at several points along the axial plane at the sample probe. Tracer gas concentrations should remain nearly constant (i.e. within 2%) between all of these points.
(B) At least 8 inches (20 cm) in diameter.
(C) Constructed of electrically conductive material which does not react with the exhaust components.
(D) Electrically grounded.
(E) EPA recommends that the tunnel should have minimal thermal capacitance such that the temperature of the walls tracks with the temperature of the diluted exhaust.
(ii) The temperature of the diluted exhaust stream inside of the primary dilution tunnel shall be sufficient to prevent water condensation.
(iii) The engine exhaust shall be directed downstream at the point where it is introduced into the primary dilution tunnel.
(5) Continuously integrated NOX, CO, and CO2 measurement systems. (i) The sample probe shall:
(A) Be in the same plane as the continuous HC probe, but shall be sufficiently distant (radially) from other probes and the tunnel wall so as to be free from the influences of any wakes or eddies; and
(B) Heated and insulated over the entire length, to prevent water condensation, to a minimum temperature of 131 °F (55 °C). Sample gas temperature immediately before the first filter in the system shall be at least 131 °F (55 °C).
(ii) The continuous NOX, CO, or CO2 sampling and analysis system shall conform to the specifications of subpart D of this part, with the following exceptions:
(A) The system components required to be heated by subpart D need only be heated to prevent water condensation, the minimum component temperature shall be 131 °F (55 °C);
(B) The system response defined in § 86.329-79 shall be no greater than 10 seconds. Analysis system response time shall be coordinated with CVS flow fluctuations and sampling time/test cycle offsets, if necessary;
(C) Alternative NOX measurement techniques outlined in § 86.346-79 are not permitted for NOX measurement in this subpart;
(D) All analytical gases shall conform to the specifications of § 86.1314 ;
(E) Any range on a linear analyzer below 100 ppm shall have and use a calibration curve conforming to § 86. 1323-07; and
(F) The measurement accuracy requirements are specified in § 86. 1338-07 .
(iii) The signal output of analyzers with non-linear calibration curves shall be converted to concentration values by the calibration curve(s) specified in subpart D of this part ( § 86.330-79) before flow correction (if used) and subsequent integration takes place.
(6) Particulate sampling system. This method collects a proportional sample from the primary tunnel, and then transfers this sample to a secondary dilution tunnel where the sample is further diluted. The double-diluted sample is then passed through the collection filter. Proportionality (i.e., mass flow ratio) between the primary tunnel flow rate and the sample flow rate must be maintained within ±5%, excluding the first 10 seconds of the test at start-up. The requirements for this system are:
(i) The particulate sample transfer tube shall be configured and installed so that:
(A) The inlet faces upstream in the primary dilution tunnel at a point where the primary dilution air and exhaust are well mixed.
(B) The particulate sample exits on the centerline of the secondary tunnel.
(ii) The entire particulate sample transfer tube shall be:
(A) Sufficiently distant (radially) from other sampling probes (in the primary dilution tunnel) so as to be free from the influence of any wakes or eddies produced by the other probes.
(B) 0.85 cm minimum inside diameter.
(C) No longer than 36 in (91 cm) from inlet plane to exit plane.
(D) Designed to minimize the diffusional and thermophoretic deposition of particulate matter during transfer (i.e., sample residence time in the transfer tube should be as short as possible, temperature gradients between the flow stream and the transfer tube wall should be minimized). Double-wall, thin-wall, air-gap insulated, or a controlled heated construction for the transfer tube is recommended.
(E) Constructed such that the surfaces exposed to the sample shall be an electrically conductive material, which does not react with the exhaust components, and this surface shall be electrically grounded so as to minimize electrostatic particulate matter deposition.
(iii) The secondary dilution air shall be at a temperature equal to or greater than 15 °C.
(iv) The secondary-dilution tunnel shall be constructed such that the surfaces exposed to the sample shall be an electrically conductive material, which does not react with the exhaust components, and this surface shall be electrically grounded so as to minimize electrostatic particulate deposition.
(v) Additional dilution air must be provided so as to maintain a sample temperature of 47 °C ±5 °C upstream of the sample filter. Temperature shall be measured with a thermocouple with a 3/16 ″ shank, having thermocouple wires with a gage diameter 24 AWG or smaller, a bare-wire butt-welded junction; or other suitable temperature measurement with an equivalent or faster time constant and an accuracy and precision of ±1.9 °C.
(vi) The filter holder assembly shall be located within 12.0 in (30.5 cm) of the exit of the secondary dilution tunnel.
(vii) The face velocity through the sample filter shall not exceed 100 cm/s (face velocity is defined as the standard volumetric sample flow rate (i.e., scm3/sec) divided by the sample filter stain area (i.e., cm2)).
(7) Particulate sampling—(i) Filter specifications. Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE or Teflon TM) coated borosilicate glass fiber high-efficiency filters or polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE or Teflon TM) high-efficiency membrane filters with an integral support ring of polymethylpentene (PMP) or equivalent inert material are required. Filters shall have a minimum clean filter efficiency of 99% as measured by the ASTM D2986-95a DOP test (incorporated by reference at § 86.1 ).
(B) Particulate filters must have a diameter of 46.50 ±0.6 mm ( 38 mm minimum stain diameter).
(C) The dilute exhaust is simultaneously sampled by a single high-efficiency filter during the cold-start test and by a second high efficiency filter during the hot-start test.
(D) It is recommended that the filter loading should be maximized consistent with temperature requirements.
(ii) Filter holder assembly. The filter holder assembly shall comply with the specifications set forth for ambient PM measurement in 40 CFR part 50, appendix L 7.3.5, figures L-25 and L-26, with the following exceptions:
(A) The material shall be 302, 303, or 304 stainless steel instead of anodized aluminum.
(B) The 2.84 cm diameter entrance to the filter holder may be adapted, using sound engineering judgment and leak-free construction, to an inside diameter no smaller than 0.85 cm, maintaining the 12.5° angle from the inlet of the top filter holder to the area near the sealing surface of the top of the filter cartridge assembly. Figure N07-2 shows acceptable variation from the design in 40 CFR part 50, appendix L. Similar variations using sound engineering design are also acceptable provided that they provide even flow distribution across the filter media and a similar leak-free seal with the filter cartridge assembly.
(C) If additional or multiple filter cartridges are stored in a particulate sampler as part of an automatic sequential sampling capability, all such filter cartridges, unless they are installed in the sample flow (with or without flow established) shall be covered or sealed to prevent communication of semi-volatile matter from filter to filter; contamination of the filters before and after sampling; or loss of volatile or semi-volatile particulate matter after sampling.
(iii) Filter cartridge assembly. The filter cartridge assembly shall comply with the specifications set forth for ambient PM measurement in 40 CFR part 50, appendix L 7.3.5, figures L-27, L-28, and L-29, with the following exceptions:
(A) In addition to the specified Delrin TM material, 302, 303, or 304 stainless steel, polycarbonate or acrylonitrile/butadiene/styrene (ABS) resin, or a combination of these materials may also be used.
(B) A bevel introduced on the inside diameter of the entrance to the filter cartridge, as used by some commercially available automated sequential particulate filter cartridge changers, is also acceptable (see Figure N07-3).
(iv) Particle preclassifier. A particle preclassifier shall be installed immediately upstream of the filter holder assembly (N07-1). The purpose of the preclassifier is to remove coarse, mechanically generated particles (e.g., rust from the engine exhaust system or carbon sheared from the sampling system walls) from the sample flow stream while allowing combustion-generated particles to pass through to the filter. The preclassifier may be either an inertial impactor or a cyclonic separator. The preclassifier manufacturer 50% cutpoint particle diameter shall be between 2.5 µm and 10 µm at the volumetric flow rate selected for sampling of particulate matter emissions. Sharpness of cut is not specifically defined, but the preclassifier geometry shall allow at least 99% of the mass concentration of 1 µm particles to pass through the exit of the preclassifier to the filter at the volumetric flow rate selected for sampling particulate matter emissions. Periodic servicing of the preclassifier will be necessary to prevent a buildup of mechanically separated particles. The particle preclassifier may be made integral with the top of the filter holder assembly. The preclassifier may also be made integral with a mixing-tee for introduction of secondary dilution air, thus replacing the secondary dilution tunnel; provided that the preclassifier provides sufficient mixing.