EPA may in its discretion adjust the small refiner per-gallon cap sulfur standard established for a refinery under § 80.240(a) (the established small refiner per-gallon standard) if the refiner demonstrates that the burden of complying with the established small refiner per-gallon standard would effectively prevent the refiner from participating in the small refiner relief provided in § 80.240. No refiner will be eligible for an adjustment of its established per-gallon standard above 450 ppm. The refinery annual average sulfur standards in § 80.240(a) are not affected by this section.
A refiner wishing to apply for such an adjustment of its established small refiner per-gallon sulfur standard under § 80.240(a) must send a letter to Gasoline Sulfur Program, U.S. EPA, Office of Transportation and Air Quality, 2000 Traverwood Dr., Ann Arbor, MI 48105 no later than January 1, 2003. Such application must include the following information:
A detailed description of the nature of the difficulty that the per-gallon cap creates;
The refiner's proposed adjusted per-gallon cap standard and the proposed duration for the adjustment, including an explanation of how a lower per-gallon cap standard or shorter duration would not address the hardship;
The refiner's expected actual annual average sulfur level (i.e., prior to the use of any credits or allotments) for each year that the adjustment would be in effect;
The refiner's estimate of the number of gallons of gasoline it produces that will exceed the established small refiner per-gallon standard under § 80.240(a) for each year that the adjusted per-gallon cap would apply; and
The number of sulfur credits or allotments that the refiner estimates will be required under paragraph (d) of this section for each year that the adjusted per-gallon cap would apply and a plan for obtaining this number of credits or allotments.
Other relevant information that EPA requests.
EPA will evaluate each application for an adjusted per-gallon cap sulfur standard on a case-by-case basis. EPA may impose any reasonable conditions on adjustments granted under this section. EPA may in its discretion set forth the duration of the adjusted per-gallon cap sulfur standard but in no case shall it extend beyond December 31, 2007.
A small refiner with an adjusted per-gallon sulfur cap standard under paragraph (a) of this section must obtain and use sulfur credits or allotments to offset the amount that the adjusted standard exceeds the established small refiner per-gallon standard under § 80.240(a). The number of sulfur credits or allotments needed for each year that the adjusted per-gallon cap would apply is calculated on a per-batch basis according to paragraph (d)(2) of this section and summed over the averaging period.
The formula for determining the number of sulfur credits or allotments that such a small refiner is required to use for any batch of gasoline exceeding the established small refiner per-gallon standard under § 80.240(a) is as follows:
Code of Federal Regulations
CRb = Vb × (Sb−Sc)
Sulfur credits or allotments used when a small refiner exceeds an established per-gallon cap sulfur standard under § 80.240(a) must be separate from and in addition to credits or allotments used for any other purposes provided under § 80.275 or § 80.315.
The approving official for an adjustment under this section is the Director of the Office of Transportation and Air Quality in the EPA Office of Air and Radiation.
Code of Federal Regulations
[67 FR 40182, June 12, 2002]