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80.133—Agreed-upon procedures for refiners and importers.

The following are the minimum attest procedures that shall be carried out for each refinery and importer. Agreed upon procedures may vary from the procedures stated in this section due to the nature of the refiner's or importer's business or records, provided that any refiner or importer desiring to use modified procedures obtains prior approval from EPA.
(a) EPA reports. (1) Obtain and read a copy of the refinery's or importer's reports (except for batch reports) filed with the EPA as required by §§ 80.75 and 80.105 for the reporting period.
(2) In the case of a refiner's report to EPA that represents aggregate calculations for more than one refinery, obtain the refinery-specific volume and property information that was used by the refiner to prepare the aggregate report. Foot and crossfoot the refinery-specific totals and agree to the values in the aggregate report. The procedures in paragraphs (b) through (m) of this section then are performed separately for each refinery.
(3) Obtain a written representation from a company representative that the report copies are complete and accurate copies of the reports filed with the EPA.
(4) Identify, and report as a finding, the name of the commercial computer program used by the refiner or importer to track the data required by the regulations in this part, if any.
(b) Inventory reconciliation analysis. Obtain an inventory reconciliation analysis for the refinery or importer for the reporting period by product type (i.e., reformulated gasoline, RBOB, conventional gasoline, and non-finished-gasoline petroleum products), and perform the following:
(1) Foot and crossfoot the volume totals reflected in the analysis; and
(2) Agree the beginning and ending inventory amounts in the analysis to the refinery's or importer's inventory records. If the analysis shows no production of conventional gasoline or if the refinery or importer represents under paragraph (l) of this section that it has a baseline less stringent or equal to the statutory baseline, the analysis may exclude non-finished-gasoline petroleum products.
(3) Report as a finding the volume totals for each product type.
(c) Listing of tenders. For each product type other than non-finished gasoline petroleum products (i.e., reformulated gasoline, RBOB, conventional gasoline), obtain a separate listing of all tenders from the refinery or importer for the reporting period. Each listing should provide for each tender the volume shipped and other information as needed to distinguish tenders. Perform the following:
(1) Foot to the volume totals per the listings; and
(2) For each product type listed in the inventory reconciliation analysis obtained in paragraph (b) of this section, agree the volume total on the listing to the tender volume total in the inventory reconciliation analysis.
(d) Listing of batches. For each product type other than non-finished gasoline petroleum products (i.e., reformulated gasoline, RBOB, and conventional gasoline), obtain separate listings of all batches reported to the EPA and perform the following:
(1) Foot to the volume totals per the listings; and
(2) Agree the total volumes in the listings to the production volume in the inventory reconciliation analysis obtained in paragraph (b) of this section.
(e) Reformulated gasoline tenders. Select a sample, in accordance with the guidelines in § 80.127, from the listing of reformulated gasoline tenders obtained in paragraph (c) of this section, and for each tender selected perform the following:
(1) Obtain product transfer documents associated with the tender and agree the volume on the tender listing to the volume on the Product transfer documents; and
(2) Note whether the product transfer documents evidencing the date and location of the tender and the compliance model designations for the tender (VOC-controlled for Region 1 or 2, non VOC-controlled, and simple or complex model certified).
(f) Reformulated gasoline batches. Select a sample, in accordance with the guidelines in § 80.127, from the listing of reformulated gasoline batches obtained in paragraph (d) of this section, and for each batch selected perform the following:
(1) Agree the volume shown on the listing, to the volume listed in the corresponding batch report submitted to EPA; and
(2) Obtain the refinery's or importer's laboratory analysis and agree the properties listed in the corresponding batch report submitted to EPA, to the properties listed in the laboratory analysis.
(g) RBOB tenders. Select a sample, in accordance with the guidelines in § 80.127, from the listing of RBOB tenders obtained in paragraph (c) of this section, and for each tender selected perform the following:
(1) Obtain product transfer documents associated with the tender and agree the volume on the tender listing to the volume on the product transfer documents; and
(2) Inspect the product transfer documents evidencing the type and amount of oxygenate to be added to the RBOB.
(h) RBOB batches. Select a sample, in accordance with the guidelines in § 80.127, from the listing of RBOB batches obtained in paragraph (d) of this section, and for each batch selected perform the following:
(1) Obtain from the refiner or importer the oxygenate type and volume, and oxygen volume required to be hand blended with the RBOB, in accordance with § 80.69(a)(2).
(2) Agree the volume shown on the listing, as adjusted to reflect the oxygenate volume determined under paragraph (h)(1) of this section, to the volume listed in the corresponding batch report submitted to EPA; and
(3) Obtain the refinery's or importer's laboratory analysis of the RBOB hand blend and agree:
(i) The oxygenate type and oxygen amount determined under paragraph (h)(1) of this section, to the tested oxygenate type and oxygen amount listed in the laboratory analysis within the acceptable ranges set forth at § 80.65(e)(2)(i); and
(ii) The properties listed in the corresponding batch report submitted to EPA to the properties listed in the laboratory analysis.
(4) Perform the following procedures for each batch report included in paragraph (h)(4)(i)(B) of this section:
(i) Obtain and inspect a copy of the executed contract with the downstream oxygenate blender (or with an intermediate owner), and confirm that the contract:
(A) Was in effect at the time of the corresponding RBOB transfer; and
(B) Allowed the company to sample and test the reformulated gasoline made by the blender.
(ii) Obtain a listing of RBOB blended by downstream oxygenate blenders and the refinery's or importer's oversight test results, and select a representative sample, in accordance with the guidelines in § 80.127, from the listing of test results and for each test selected perform the following:
(A) Obtain the laboratory analysis for the batch, and agree the type of oxygenate used and the oxygenate content appearing in the laboratory analysis to the instructions stated on the product transfer documents corresponding to a RBOB receipt immediately preceding the laboratory analysis and used in producing the reformulated gasoline batch selected within the acceptable ranges set forth at § 80.65(e)(2)(i) ;
(B) Calculate the frequency of sampling and testing or the volume blended between the test selected and the next test; and
(C) Agree the frequency of sampling and testing or the volume blended between the test selected and the next test to the sampling and testing frequency rates stated in § 80.69(a)(7).
(i) Conventional gasoline and conventional gasoline blendstock tenders. Select a sample, in accordance with the guidelines in § 80.127, from the listing of the tenders of conventional gasoline and conventional gasoline blendstock that becomes gasoline through the addition of oxygenate only, and for each tender selected perform the following:
(1) Obtain product transfer documents associated with the tender and agree the volume on the tender listing to the volume on the product transfer documents; and
(2) Inspect the product transfer documents evidencing that the information required in § 80.106(a)(1)(vii) is included.
(j) Conventional gasoline batches. Select a sample, in accordance with the guidelines in § 80.127, from the conventional gasoline batch listing obtained in paragraph (d) of this section, and for each batch selected perform the following:
(1) Agree the volume shown on the listing, to the volume listed in the corresponding batch report submitted to EPA; and
(2) Obtain the refinery's or importer's laboratory analysis and agree the properties listed in the corresponding batch report submitted to EPA, to the properties listed in the laboratory analysis.
(k) Conventional gasoline oxygenate blending. Obtain a listing of each downstream oxygenate blending facility and its blender, as represented by the refiner/importer, as adding oxygenate used in the compliance calculations for the refinery or importer, or a written representation from the refiner for the refinery or importer that it has not used any downstream oxygenate blending in its conventional gasoline compliance calculations.
(1) For each downstream oxygenate blender facility, obtain a listing from the refiner or importer of the batches of oxygenate included in its compliance calculations added by the downstream oxygenate blender and foot to the total volume of batches per the listing;
(2) Obtain a listing from the downstream oxygenate blender of the oxygenate blended with conventional gasoline or sub-octane blendstock that was produced or imported by the refinery or importer and perform the following:
(i) Foot to the total volume of the oxygenate batches per the listing; and
(ii) Agree the total volumes in the listing obtained from the downstream oxygenate blender, to the listing obtained from the refiner or importer in paragraph (k)(1) of this section.
(3) Where the downstream oxygenate blender is a person other than the refiner or importer, as represented by management of the refinery or importer, perform the following:
(i) Obtain the contract from the refiner or importer with the downstream blender and inspect the contract evidencing that it covered the period when oxygenate was blended;
(ii) Obtain company documents evidencing that the refiner or importer has records reflecting that it conducted physical inspections of the downstream blending operation during the period oxygenate was blended;
(iii) Obtain company documents reflecting the refiner or importer audit over the downstream oxygenate blending operation and note whether these records evidencing the audit included a review of the overall volumes and type of oxygenate purchased and used by the oxygenate blender to be consistent with the oxygenate claimed by the refiner or importer, and that this oxygenate was blended with the refinery's or importer's gasoline or blending stock; and
(iv) Obtain a listing of test results for the sampling and testing conducted by the refiner or importer over the downstream oxygenate blending operation, and select a sample, in accordance with the guidelines in § 80.127, from this listing. For each test selected, agree the tested oxygenate volume with the oxygenate volume in the listing obtained from the oxygenate blender in paragraph (k)(2) of this section for this gasoline.

Code of Federal Regulations

[70 FR 74576, Dec. 15, 2005, as amended at 71 FR 26702, May 8, 2006]