The following fuels commonly or commercially known or sold as motor vehicle diesel fuel are hereby individually designated:
Motor vehicle diesel fuel, grade 1-D;
Motor vehicle diesel fuel, grade 2-D.
The Act defines the term “motor vehicle” to mean any self-propelled vehicle designed for transporting persons or property on a street or highway.
All designated motor vehicle diesel fuels must be registered within 12 months after promulgation of this part.
In accordance with §§ 79.5(a)(2) and 79.11(f), and to the extent such information is known to the fuel manufacturer as a result of testing conducted for reasons other than fuel registration or reporting purposes, the fuel manufacturer shall furnish the data listed below. The highest, lowest, and average values of the listed characteristics/properties are to be reported. For initial registration, data shall be given for any 3-month or longer period prior to the date of submission. For annual reports thereafter, data shall be for the calendar year, except that if the first required annual report covers a period of less than a year, the data may be for such shorter period.
Hydrocarbon composition (aromatic content, olefin content, saturate content), with the methods of analysis identified;
Polynuclear organic material content, sulfur content, and trace element content, with the methods of analysis identified;
Distillation temperatures (90 percent point, end point);
Cetane number or cetane index;
In accordance with §§ 79.5(a)(2) and 79.11(f), and to the extent such information is known to the fuel manufacturer, he shall furnish summaries of any information developed by or specifically for him concerning the following items:
Mechanisms of action of each additive he reports;
Reactions between such additives and motor vehicle diesel fuel;
Identification and measurement of the emission products of such additives when used in motor vehicle diesel fuel;
Effects of such additives on all emissions;
Toxicity and any other public health or welfare effects of the emission products of such additives.
Such submission shall be accompanied by a description of the test procedures used in obtaining the information. Information will be considered to be known to the fuel manufacturer if a report thereon has been prepared and circulated or distributed outside the research department or division.