All original filings made under this part shall be signed by the person making the filing or by an attorney or authorized representative. Any filings on behalf of owners and operators of an affected unit or affected source shall be signed by the designated representative. Any filings on behalf of persons with an interest in allowances in a general account shall be signed by the authorized account representative. Any filings on behalf of owners and operators of a NOX Budget unit or source shall be signed by the NOX authorized account representative. Any filings on behalf of persons with an interest in NOX allowances in a general account shall be signed by the NOX authorized account representative. Any filings on behalf of owners and operators of a CAIR NOX, SO2, or NOX Ozone Season unit or source shall be signed by the CAIR designated representative. Any filings on behalf of persons with an interest in CAIR NOX allowances, CAIR SO2 allowances, or CAIR NOX Ozone Season allowances in a general account shall be signed by the CAIR authorized account representative. The name, address, telephone number, and facsimile number of the person making the filing shall be provided with the filing.
Any filings on behalf of owners and operators of a facility covered by subpart RR of part 98 of this chapter shall be signed by the designated representative.
All data and information referred to, or in any way relied upon, in any filings made under this part shall be included in full and may not be incorporated by reference, unless the data or information is contained in the administrative record for the decision being appealed.
Notwithstanding paragraph (b)(1) of this section, State or Federal statutes, regulations, and judicial decisions published in a national reporter system, officially issued EPA documents of general applicability, and any other publicly and generally available reference material may be incorporated by reference. Any person incorporating such materials by reference shall provide copies of the materials as instructed by the Environmental Appeals Board or the Presiding Officer.
If any part of any filing is in a foreign language, it shall be accompanied by an English translation verified by the person making the translation, under oath, to be complete and accurate, together with the name, address, and a brief statement of the qualifications of the person making the translation. Translations filed of material originally produced in a foreign language shall be accompanied by copies of the original material.
Where relevant data or information is contained in a document also containing irrelevant matter, either the irrelevant matter shall be deleted or an index to the relevant portions of the document shall be included in the document.
Failure to comply with the requirements of this section or any other requirement in this part may result in the noncomplying portions of the filing being excluded from consideration. If the Environmental Appeals Board or the Presiding Officer determines on motion by any party or sua sponte that a filing fails to meet any requirement of this part, the Environmental Appeals Board or Presiding Officer may return the filing, together with a reference to the applicable requirements on which the determination is based. A person whose filing has been rejected has 7 days (or other reasonable period established by the Environmental Appeals Board or Presiding Officer), from the date the returned filing is mailed, to correct the filing in conformance with this part and refile it.
The making of a filing shall not mean or imply that the filing, in fact, meets all applicable requirements, that the filing contains reasonable grounds for the action requested, or that the action requested is in accordance with law.
An original and two copies of any written filing under this part shall be filed with the Environmental Appeals Board unless a proceeding is pending before a Presiding Officer, in which case they shall be filed with the Hearing Clerk (except as provided under § 78.19(d)) of this part.
The party making any filing in a proceeding under this part shall also serve a copy of the filing on each party to the proceeding, or, with regard to a petition for administrative review, on the persons specified in § 78.3(b)(3) of this part.
Every filing made under this part shall be accompanied by a certificate of service citing the date, place, time, and manner of service and the names of the persons served.
The Hearing Clerk will maintain and furnish, to any person upon request, the official service list containing the name, service address, telephone, and facsimile numbers of each party to a proceeding under this part and his or her attorney or duly authorized representative.
Affidavits filed under this part shall be made on personal knowledge and belief, set forth only those facts that are admissible into evidence under § 78.5 of this part, and show affirmatively that the affiant is competent to testify to the matters stated therein.
Code of Federal Regulations
[58 FR 3760, Jan. 11, 1993, as amended at 62 FR 55488, Oct. 24, 1997; 62 FR 66279, Dec. 18, 1997; 69 FR 21645, Apr. 21, 2004; 70 FR 25339, May 12, 2005; 75 FR 75078, Dec. 1, 2010]