761.395—A validation study.
Decontaminate the following prepared sample surfaces using the selected testing parameters and experimental conditions. Take a standard wipe sample of the decontaminated surface.
At least one uncontaminated surface. The surface levels of PCBs on the uncontaminated surface must be <1 µg/100 cm 2.
At least seven contaminated surfaces.
Use SW-846, Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste methods for sample extraction and chemical analysis as follows: Use Method 3500B/3540C or Method 3500B/3550B for the extraction and cleanup of the extract and Method 8082 for the chemical analysis, or methods validated under subpart Q of this part.
Report all validation study surface sample concentrations on the basis of micrograms of PCBs per 100 cm 2 of surface sampled.
Following completion of the validation study, measurements from the contaminated surfaces must have an arithmetic mean of ≤10 µg/100 cm 2. If the arithmetic mean is >10 µg/100 cm 2, then the validation study failed and the solvent may not be used for decontamination under § 761.79(d)(4) according to the parameters tested.