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75.59—Certification, quality assurance, and quality control record provisions.

The owner or operator shall meet all of the applicable recordkeeping requirements of this section.
(a) Continuous emission or opacity monitoring systems. The owner or operator shall record the applicable information in this section for each certified monitor or certified monitoring system (including certified backup monitors) measuring and recording emissions or flow from an affected unit.
(1) For each SO2 or NOX pollutant concentration monitor, flow monitor, CO2 emissions concentration monitor (including O2 monitors used to determine CO2 emissions), or diluent gas monitor (including wet- and dry-basis O2 monitors used to determine percent moisture), the owner or operator shall record the following for all daily and 7-day calibration error tests, and all off-line calibration demonstrations, including any follow-up tests after corrective action:
(i) Component-system identification code (on and after January 1, 2009, only the component identification code is required);
(ii) Instrument span and span scale;
(iii) On and after April 27, 2011, date, hour, and minute;
(iv) Reference value (i.e., calibration gas concentration or reference signal value, in ppm or other appropriate units);
(v) Observed value (monitor response during calibration, in ppm or other appropriate units);
(vi) Percent calibration error (rounded to the nearest tenth of a percent) (flag if using alternative performance specification for low emitters or differential pressure flow monitors);
(vii) Reference signal or calibration gas level;
(viii) For 7-day calibration error tests, a test number and reason for test;
(ix) For 7-day calibration tests for certification or recertification, a certification from the cylinder gas vendor or CEMS vendor that calibration gas, as defined in § 72.2 of this chapter and appendix A to this part, was used to conduct calibration error testing;
(x) Description of any adjustments, corrective actions, or maintenance prior to a passed test or following a failed test; and
(xi) Indication of whether the unit is off-line or on-line.
(2) For each flow monitor, the owner or operator shall record the following for all daily interference checks, including any follow-up tests after corrective action.
(i) Component-system identification code (after January 1, 2009, only the component identification code is required);
(ii) Date and hour;
(iii) Code indicating whether monitor passes or fails the interference check; and
(iv) Description of any adjustments, corrective actions, or maintenance prior to a passed test or following a failed test.
(3) For each SO2 or NOX pollutant concentration monitor, CO2 emissions concentration monitor (including O2 monitors used to determine CO2 emissions), or diluent gas monitor (including wet- and dry-basis O2 monitors used to determine percent moisture), the owner or operator shall record the following for the initial and all subsequent linearity check(s), including any follow-up tests after corrective action.
(i) Component-system identification code (on and after January 1, 2009, only the component identification code is required);
(ii) Instrument span and span scale (only span scale is required on and after January 1, 2009);
(iii) Calibration gas level;
(iv) Date and time (hour and minute) of each gas injection at each calibration gas level;
(v) Reference value (i.e., reference gas concentration for each gas injection at each calibration gas level, in ppm or other appropriate units);
(vi) Observed value (monitor response to each reference gas injection at each calibration gas level, in ppm or other appropriate units);
(vii) Mean of reference values and mean of measured values at each calibration gas level;
(viii) Linearity error at each of the reference gas concentrations (rounded to nearest tenth of a percent) (flag if using alternative performance specification);
(ix) Test number and reason for test (flag if aborted test); and
(x) Description of any adjustments, corrective action, or maintenance prior to a passed test or following a failed test.
(4) For each differential pressure type flow monitor, the owner or operator shall record items in paragraphs (a)(4) (i) through (v) of this section, for all quarterly leak checks, including any follow-up tests after corrective action. For each flow monitor, the owner or operator shall record items in paragraphs (a)(4) (vi) and (vii) for all flow-to-load ratio and gross heat rate tests:
(i) Component-system identification code (on and after January 1, 2009, only the system identification code is required).
(ii) Date and hour.
(iii) Reason for test.
(iv) Code indicating whether monitor passes or fails the quarterly leak check.
(v) Description of any adjustments, corrective actions, or maintenance prior to a passed test or following a failed test.
(vi) Test data from the flow-to-load ratio or gross heat rate (GHR) evaluation, including:
(A) Monitoring system identification code;
(B) Calendar year and quarter;
(C) Indication of whether the test is a flow-to-load ratio or gross heat rate evaluation;
(D) Indication of whether bias adjusted flow rates were used;
(E) Average absolute percent difference between reference ratio (or GHR) and hourly ratios (or GHR values);
(F) Test result;
(G) Number of hours used in final quarterly average;
(H) Number of hours exempted for use of a different fuel type;
(I) Number of hours exempted for load ramping up or down;
(J) Number of hours exempted for scrubber bypass;
(K) Number of hours exempted for hours preceding a normal-load flow RATA;
(L) Number of hours exempted for hours preceding a successful diagnostic test, following a documented monitor repair or major component replacement;
(M) Number of hours excluded for flue gases discharging simultaneously thorough a main stack and a bypass stack; and
(N) Test number.
(vii) Reference data for the flow-to-load ratio or gross heat rate evaluation, including (as applicable):
(A) Reference flow RATA end date and time;
(B) Test number of the reference RATA;
(C) Reference RATA load and load level;
(D) Average reference method flow rate during reference flow RATA;
(E) Reference flow/load ratio;
(F) Average reference method diluent gas concentration during flow RATA and diluent gas units of measure;
(G) Fuel specific Fd -or Fc -factor during flow RATA and F-factor units of measure;
(H) Reference gross heat rate value;
(I) Monitoring system identification code;
(J) Average hourly heat input rate during RATA;
(K) Average gross unit load;
(L) Operating load level; and
(M) An indicator (“flag”) if separate reference ratios are calculated for each multiple stack.
(5) For each SO2 pollutant concentration monitor, flow monitor, each CO2 emissions concentration monitor (including any O2 concentration monitor used to determine CO2 mass emissions or heat input), each NOX -diluent continuous emission monitoring system, each NOX concentration monitoring system, each diluent gas (O2 or CO2) monitor used to determine heat input, each moisture monitoring system, and each approved alternative monitoring system, the owner or operator shall record the following information for the initial and all subsequent relative accuracy test audits:
(i) Reference method(s) used.
(ii) Individual test run data from the relative accuracy test audit for the SO2 concentration monitor, flow monitor, CO2 emissions concentration monitor, NOX -diluent continuous emission monitoring system, diluent gas (O2 or CO2) monitor used to determine heat input, NOX concentration monitoring system, moisture monitoring system, or approved alternative monitoring system, including:
(A) Date, hour, and minute of beginning of test run;
(B) Date, hour, and minute of end of test run;
(C) Monitoring system identification code;
(D) Test number and reason for test;
(E) Operating level (low, mid, high, or normal, as appropriate) and number of operating levels comprising test;
(F) Normal load (or operating level) indicator for flow RATAs (except for peaking units);
(G) Units of measure;
(H) Run number;
(I) Run value from CEMS being tested, in the appropriate units of measure;
(J) Run value from reference method, in the appropriate units of measure;
(K) Flag value (0, 1, or 9, as appropriate) indicating whether run has been used in calculating relative accuracy and bias values or whether the test was aborted prior to completion;
(L) Average gross unit load, expressed as a total gross unit load, rounded to the nearest MWe, or as steam load, rounded to the nearest thousand lb/hr; on and after April 27, 2011, for units that do not produce electrical or thermal output, record, instead, the average stack gas velocity at the operating level being tested; and
(M) Flag to indicate whether an alternative performance specification has been used.
(iii) Calculations and tabulated results, as follows:
(A) Arithmetic mean of the monitoring system measurement values, of the reference method values, and of their differences, as specified in Equation A-7 in appendix A to this part;
(B) Standard deviation, as specified in Equation A-8 in appendix A to this part;
(C) Confidence coefficient, as specified in Equation A-9 in appendix A to this part;
(D) Statistical “t” value used in calculations;
(E) Relative accuracy test results, as specified in Equation A-10 in appendix A to this part. For multi-level flow monitor tests the relative accuracy test results shall be recorded at each load (or operating) level tested. Each load (or operating) level shall be expressed as a total gross unit load, rounded to the nearest MWe, or as steam load, rounded to the nearest thousand lb/hr, or as otherwise specified by the Administrator, for units that do not produce electrical or thermal output;
(F) Bias test results as specified in section 7.6.4 of appendix A to this part;
(G) Bias adjustment factor from Equation A-12 in appendix A to this part for any monitoring system that failed the bias test (except as otherwise provided in section 7.6.5 of appendix A to this part) and 1.000 for any monitoring system that passed the bias test; and
(H) On and after April 27, 2011, RATA frequency code.
(iv) Description of any adjustment, corrective action, or maintenance prior to a passed test or following a failed or aborted test.
(v) F-factor value(s) used to convert NOX pollutant concentration and diluent gas (O2 or CO2) concentration measurements into NOX emission rates (in lb/mmBtu), heat input or CO2 emissions.
(vi) For flow monitors, the equation used to linearize the flow monitor and the numerical values of the polynomial coefficients or K factor(s) of that equation.
(vii) For moisture monitoring systems, the coefficient or “K” factor or other mathematical algorithm used to adjust the monitoring system with respect to the reference method.
(6) For each SO2, NOX, or CO2 pollutant concentration monitor, each component of a NOX -diluent continuous emission monitoring system, and each CO2 or O2 monitor used to determine heat input, the owner or operator shall record the following information for the cycle time test:
(i) Component-system identification code (on and after January 1, 2009, only the component identification code is required);
(ii) Date;
(iii) Start and end times;
(iv) Upscale and downscale cycle times for each component;
(v) Stable start monitor value;
(vi) Stable end monitor value;
(vii) Reference value of calibration gas(es);
(viii) Calibration gas level;
(ix) Total cycle time;
(x) Reason for test; and
(xi) Test number.
(7) In addition to the information in paragraph (a)(5) of this section, the owner or operator shall record, for each relative accuracy test audit, supporting information sufficient to substantiate compliance with all applicable sections and appendices in this part. Unless otherwise specified in this part or in an applicable test method, the information in paragraphs (a)(7)(i) through (a)(7)(vi) of this section may be recorded either in hard copy format, electronic format or a combination of the two, and the owner or operator shall maintain this information in a format suitable for inspection and audit purposes. This RATA supporting information shall include, but shall not be limited to, the following data elements:
(i) For each RATA using Reference Method 2 (or its allowable alternatives) in appendix A to part 60 of this chapter to determine volumetric flow rate:
(A) Information indicating whether or not the location meets requirements of Method 1 in appendix A to part 60 of this chapter; and
(B) Information indicating whether or not the equipment passed the required leak checks.
(ii) For each run of each RATA using Reference Method 2 (or its allowable alternatives in appendix A to part 60 of this chapter) to determine volumetric flow rate, record the following data elements (as applicable to the measurement method used):
(A) Operating level (low, mid, high, or normal, as appropriate);
(B) Number of reference method traverse points;
(C) Average stack gas temperature (°F);
(D) Barometric pressure at test port (inches of mercury);
(E) Stack static pressure (inches of H2 O);
(F) Absolute stack gas pressure (inches of mercury);
(G) Percent CO2 and O2 in the stack gas, dry basis;
(H) CO2 and O2 reference method used;
(I) Moisture content of stack gas (percent H2 O);
(J) Molecular weight of stack gas, dry basis (lb/lb-mole);
(K) Molecular weight of stack gas, wet basis (lb/lb-mole);
(L) Stack diameter (or equivalent diameter) at the test port (ft);
(M) Average square root of velocity head of stack gas (inches of H2 O) for the run;
(N) Stack or duct cross-sectional area at test port (ft 2 );
(O) Average velocity (ft/sec);
(P) Average stack flow rate, adjusted, if applicable, for wall effects (scfh, wet basis);
(Q) Flow rate reference method used;
(R) Average velocity, adjusted for wall effects;
(S) Calculated (site-specific) wall effects adjustment factor determined during the run, and, if different, the wall effects adjustment factor used in the calculations; and
(T) Default wall effects adjustment factor used.
(iii) For each traverse point of each run of each RATA using Reference Method 2 (or its allowable alternatives in appendix A to part 60 of this chapter) to determine volumetric flow rate, record the following data elements (as applicable to the measurement method used):
(A) Reference method probe type;
(B) Pressure measurement device type;
(C) Traverse point ID;
(D) Probe or pitot tube calibration coefficient;
(E) Date of latest probe or pitot tube calibration;
(F) Average velocity differential pressure at traverse point (inches of H2 O) or the average of the square roots of the velocity differential pressures at the traverse point ((inches of H2 O)1/2 );
(G) TS, stack temperature at the traverse point (°F);
(H) Composite (wall effects) traverse point identifier;
(I) Number of points included in composite traverse point;
(J) Yaw angle of flow at traverse point (degrees);
(K) Pitch angle of flow at traverse point (degrees);
(L) Calculated velocity at traverse point both accounting and not accounting for wall effects (ft/sec); and
(M) Probe identification number.
(iv) For each RATA using Method 6C, 7E, or 3A in appendix A to part 60 of this chapter to determine SO2, NOX, CO2, or O2 concentration:
(A) Pollutant or diluent gas being measured;
(B) Span of reference method analyzer;
(C) Type of reference method system (e.g., extractive or dilution type);
(D) Reference method dilution factor (dilution type systems, only);
(E) Reference gas concentrations (zero, mid, and high gas levels) used for the 3-point pre-test analyzer calibration error test (or, for dilution type reference method systems, for the 3-point pre-test system calibration error test) and for any subsequent recalibrations;
(F) Analyzer responses to the zero-, mid-, and high-level calibration gases during the 3-point pre-test analyzer (or system) calibration error test and during any subsequent recalibration(s);
(G) Analyzer calibration error at each gas level (zero, mid, and high) for the 3-point pre-test analyzer (or system) calibration error test and for any subsequent recalibration(s) (percent of span value);
(H) Upscale gas concentration (mid or high gas level) used for each pre-run or post-run system bias check or (for dilution type reference method systems) for each pre-run or post-run system calibration error check;
(I) Analyzer response to the calibration gas for each pre-run or post-run system bias (or system calibration error) check;
(J) The arithmetic average of the analyzer responses to the zero-level gas, for each pair of pre- and post-run system bias (or system calibration error) checks;
(K) The arithmetic average of the analyzer responses to the upscale calibration gas, for each pair of pre- and post-run system bias (or system calibration error) checks;
(L) The results of each pre-run and each post-run system bias (or system calibration error) check using the zero-level gas (percentage of span value);
(M) The results of each pre-run and each post-run system bias (or system calibration error) check using the upscale calibration gas (percentage of span value);
(N) Calibration drift and zero drift of analyzer during each RATA run (percentage of span value);
(O) Moisture basis of the reference method analysis;
(P) Moisture content of stack gas, in percent, during each test run (if needed to convert to moisture basis of CEMS being tested);
(Q) Unadjusted (raw) average pollutant or diluent gas concentration for each run;
(R) Average pollutant or diluent gas concentration for each run, corrected for calibration bias (or calibration error) and, if applicable, corrected for moisture;
(S) The F-factor used to convert reference method data to units of lb/mmBtu (if applicable);
(T) Date(s) of the latest analyzer interference test(s);
(U) Results of the latest analyzer interference test(s);
(V) Date of the latest NO2 to NO conversion test (Method 7E only);
(W) Results of the latest NO2 to NO conversion test (Method 7E only); and
(X) For each calibration gas cylinder used during each RATA, record the cylinder gas vendor, cylinder number, expiration date, pollutant(s) in the cylinder, and certified gas concentration(s).
(v) For each test run of each moisture determination using Method 4 in appendix A to part 60 of this chapter (or its allowable alternatives), whether the determination is made to support a gas RATA, to support a flow RATA, or to quality assure the data from a continuous moisture monitoring system, record the following data elements (as applicable to the moisture measurement method used):
(A) Test number;
(B) Run number;
(C) The beginning date, hour, and minute of the run;
(D) The ending date, hour, and minute of the run;
(E) Unit operating level (low, mid, high, or normal, as appropriate);
(F) Moisture measurement method;
(G) Volume of H2 O collected in the impingers (ml);
(H) Mass of H2 O collected in the silica gel (g);
(I) Dry gas meter calibration factor;
(J) Average dry gas meter temperature (°F);
(K) Barometric pressure (inches of mercury);
(L) Differential pressure across the orifice meter (inches of H2 O);
(M) Initial and final dry gas meter readings (ft 3 );
(N) Total sample gas volume, corrected to standard conditions (dscf); and
(O) Percentage of moisture in the stack gas (percent H2 O).
(vi) The raw data and calculated results for any stratification tests performed in accordance with sections through of appendix A to this part.
(vii) [Reserved]
(viii) [Reserved]
(ix) For a unit with a flow monitor installed on a rectangular stack or duct, if a site-specific default or measured wall effects adjustment factor (WAF) is used to correct the stack gas volumetric flow rate data to account for velocity decay near the stack or duct wall, the owner or operator shall keep records of the following for each flow RATA performed with EPA Method 2 in appendices A-1 and A-2 to part 60 of this chapter, subsequent to the WAF determination:
(A) Monitoring system ID;
(B) Test number;
(C) Operating level;
(D) RATA end date and time;
(E) Number of Method 1 traverse points; and
(F) Wall effects adjustment factor (WAF), to the nearest 0.0001.
(8) For each certified continuous emission monitoring system, continuous opacity monitoring system, excepted monitoring system, or alternative monitoring system, the date and description of each event which requires certification, recertification, or certain diagnostic testing of the system and the date and type of each test performed. If the conditional data validation procedures of § 75.20(b)(3) are to be used to validate and report data prior to the completion of the required certification, recertification, or diagnostic testing, the date and hour of the probationary calibration error test shall be reported to mark the beginning of conditional data validation.
(9) When hardcopy relative accuracy test reports, certification reports, recertification reports, or semiannual or annual reports for gas or flow rate CEMS are required or requested under § 75.60(b)(6) or § 75.63, the reports shall include, at a minimum, the following elements (as applicable to the type(s) of test(s) performed):
(i) Summarized test results.
(ii) DAHS printouts of the CEMS data generated during the calibration error, linearity, cycle time, and relative accuracy tests.
(iii) For pollutant concentration monitor or diluent monitor relative accuracy tests at normal operating load:
(A) The raw reference method data from each run, i.e., the data under paragraph (a)(7)(iv)(Q) of this section (usually in the form of a computerized printout, showing a series of one-minute readings and the run average);
(B) The raw data and results for all required pre-test, post-test, pre-run and post-run quality assurance checks (i.e., calibration gas injections) of the reference method analyzers, i.e., the data under paragraphs (a)(7)(iv)(E) through (a)(7)(iv)(N) of this section;
(C) The raw data and results for any moisture measurements made during the relative accuracy testing, i.e., the data under paragraphs (a)(7)(v)(A) through (a)(7)(v)(O) of this section; and
(D) Tabulated, final, corrected reference method run data (i.e., the actual values used in the relative accuracy calculations), along with the equations used to convert the raw data to the final values and example calculations to demonstrate how the test data were reduced.
(iv) For relative accuracy tests for flow monitors:
(A) The raw flow rate reference method data, from Reference Method 2 (or its allowable alternatives) under appendix A to part 60 of this chapter, including auxiliary moisture data (often in the form of handwritten data sheets), i.e., the data under paragraphs (a)(7)(ii)(A) through (a)(7)(ii)(T), paragraphs (a)(7)(iii)(A) through (a)(7)(iii)(M), and, if applicable, paragraphs (a)(7)(v)(A) through (a)(7)(v)(O) of this section; and
(B) The tabulated, final volumetric flow rate values used in the relative accuracy calculations (determined from the flow rate reference method data and other necessary measurements, such as moisture, stack temperature and pressure), along with the equations used to convert the raw data to the final values and example calculations to demonstrate how the test data were reduced.
(v) Calibration gas certificates for the gases used in the linearity, calibration error, and cycle time tests and for the calibration gases used to quality assure the gas monitor reference method data during the relative accuracy test audit.
(vi) Laboratory calibrations of the source sampling equipment.
(vii) A copy of the test protocol used for the CEMS certifications or recertifications, including narrative that explains any testing abnormalities, problematic sampling, and analytical conditions that required a change to the test protocol, and/or solutions to technical problems encountered during the testing program.
(viii) Diagrams illustrating test locations and sample point locations (to verify that locations are consistent with information in the monitoring plan). Include a discussion of any special traversing or measurement scheme. The discussion shall also confirm that sample points satisfy applicable acceptance criteria.
(ix) Names of key personnel involved in the test program, including test team members, plant contacts, agency representatives and test observers on site.
(x) For testing involving use of EPA Protocol gases, the owner or operator shall record in electronic and hardcopy format the following information, as applicable:
(A) On and after September 26, 2011, for each gas monitor, for both low and high measurement ranges, record the following information for the mid-level or high-level EPA Protocol gas (as applicable) that is used for daily calibration error tests, and the low-, mid-, and high-level gases used for quarterly linearity checks. For O2, if purified air is used as the high-level gas for daily calibrations or linearity checks, record the following information for the low- and mid-level EPA Protocol gas used for linearity checks, instead:
(1) Gas level code;
(2) A code for the type of EPA Protocol gas used;
(3) The PGVP vendor ID issued by EPA for the EPA Protocol gas production site that supplied the EPA Protocol gas cylinder;
(4) The expiration date for the EPA Protocol gas cylinder; and
(5) The cylinder number.
(B) On and after September 26, 2011, for each usage of Reference Method 3A in appendix A-2 to part 60 of this chapter, or Method 6C or 7E in appendix A-4 to part 60 of this chapter performed using EPA Protocol gas for the certification, recertification, routine quality assurance or diagnostic testing (reportable diagnostics, only) of a Part 75 monitoring system, record the information required by paragraphs (a)(9)(x)(A)(1) through (5) of this section.
(xi) On and after March 27, 2012, for all RATAs performed pursuant to § 75.74(c)(2)(ii), section 6.5 of appendix A to this part and section 2.3.1 of appendix B to this part, and for all NOX emission testing performed pursuant to section 2.1 of appendix E to this part, or § 75.19(c)(1)(iv), the owner or operator shall record the following information as provided by the AETB:
(A) The name, telephone number and e-mail address of the Air Emission Testing Body;
(B) The name of each on-site Qualified Individual, as defined in § 72.2 of this chapter ;
(C) For the reference method(s) that were performed, the date(s) that each on-site Qualified Individual took and passed the relevant qualification exam(s) required by ASTM D7036-04 (incorporated by reference, see § 75.6 ); and
(D) The name and e-mail address of each qualification exam provider.
(10) Whenever reference methods are used as backup monitoring systems pursuant to § 75.20(d)(3), the owner or operator shall record the following information:
(i) For each test run using Reference Method 2 (or its allowable alternatives in appendix A to part 60 of this chapter) to determine volumetric flow rate, record the following data elements (as applicable to the measurement method used):
(A) Unit or stack identification number;
(B) Reference method system and component identification numbers;