Code | Hourly emissions/flow measurement or estimation method |
1 | Certified primary emission/flow monitoring system. |
2 | Certified backup emission/flow monitoring system. |
3 | Approved alternative monitoring system. |
4 | Reference method:SO2: Method 6C. Flow: Method 2 or its allowable alternatives under appendix A to part 60 of this chapter . NOX: Method 7E. CO2 or O2: Method 3A. |
5 | For units with add-on SO2 and/or NOX emission controls: SO2 concentration or NOX emission rate estimate from Agency preapproved parametric monitoring method. |
6 | Average of the hourly SO2 concentrations, CO2 concentrations, O2 concentrations, NOX concentrations, flow rates, moisture percentages or NOX emission rates for the hour before and the hour following a missing data period. |
7 | Initial missing data procedures used. Either: (a) the average of the hourly SO2 concentration, CO2 concentration, O2 concentration, or moisture percentage for the hour before and the hour following a missing data period; or (b) the arithmetic average of all NOX concentration, NOX emission rate, or flow rate values at the corresponding load range (or a higher load range), or at the corresponding operational bin (non-load-based units, only); or (c) the arithmetic average of all previous NOX concentration, NOX emission rate, or flow rate values (non-load-based units, only). |
8 | 90th percentile hourly SO2 concentration, CO2 concentration, NOX concentration, flow rate, moisture percentage, or NOX emission rate or 10th percentile hourly O2 concentration or moisture percentage in the applicable lookback period (moisture missing data algorithm depends on which equations are used for emissions and heat input). |
9 | 95th percentile hourly SO2 concentration, CO2 concentration, NOX concentration, flow rate, moisture percentage, or NOX emission rate or 5th percentile hourly O2 concentration or moisture percentage in the applicable lookback period (moisture missing data algorithm depends on which equations are used for emissions and heat input). |
10 | Maximum hourly SO2 concentration, CO2 concentration, NOX concentration, flow rate, moisture percentage, or NOX emission rate or minimum hourly O2 concentration or moisture percentage in the applicable lookback period (moisture missing data algorithm depends on which equations are used for emissions and heat input). |
11 | Average of hourly flow rates, NOX concentrations or NOX emission rates in corresponding load range, for the applicable lookback period. For non-load-based units, report either the average flow rate, NOX concentration or NOX emission rate in the applicable lookback period, or the average flow rate or NOX value at the corresponding operational bin (if operational bins are used). |
12 | Maximum potential concentration of SO2, maximum potential concentration of CO2, maximum potential concentration of NOX maximum potential flow rate, maximum potential NOX emission rate, maximum potential moisture percentage, minimum potential O2 concentration or minimum potential moisture percentage, as determined using § 72.2 of this chapter and section 2.1 of appendix A to this part (moisture missing data algorithm depends on which equations are used for emissions and heat input). |
13 | Maximum expected concentration of SO2, maximum expected concentration of NOX,, or maximum controlled NOX emission rate. (See § 75.34(a)(5) ). |
14 | Diluent cap value (if the cap is replacing a CO2 measurement, use 5.0 percent for boilers and 1.0 percent for turbines; if it is replacing an O2 measurement, use 14.0 percent for boilers and 19.0 percent for turbines). |
15 | 1.25 times the maximum hourly controlled SO2 concentration, NOX concentration at the corresponding load or operational bin, or NOX emission rate at the corresponding load or operational bin, in the applicable lookback period (See § 75.34(a)(5) ). |
16 | SO2 concentration value of 2.0 ppm during hours when only “very low sulfur fuel“, as defined in § 72.2 of this chapter, is combusted. |
17 | Like-kind replacement non-redundant backup analyzer. |
19 | 200 percent of the MPC; default high range value. |
20 | 200 percent of the full-scale range setting (full-scale exceedance of high range). |
21 | Negative hourly CO2 concentration, SO2 concentration, NOX concentration, percent moisture, or NOX emission rate replaced with zero. |
Code of Federal Regulations
22 | Hourly average SO2 or NOX concentration, measured by a certified monitor at the control device inlet (units with add-on emission controls only). |
23 | Maximum potential SO2 concentration, NOX concentration, CO2 concentration, or NOX emission rate, or minimum potential O2 concentration or moisture percentage, for an hour in which flue gases are discharged through an unmonitored bypass stack. |
24 | Maximum expected NOX concentration, or maximum controlled NOX emission rate for an hour in which flue gases are discharged downstream of the NOX emission controls through an unmonitored bypass stack, and the add-on NOX emission controls are confirmed to be operating properly. |
25 | Maximum potential NOX emission rate (MER). (Use only when a NOX concentration full-scale exceedance occurs and the diluent monitor is unavailable.) |
26 | 1.0 mmBtu/hr substituted for Heat Input Rate for an operating hour in which the calculated Heat Input Rate is zero or negative. |
40 | Fuel specific default value (or prorated default value) used for the hour. |
53 | Other quality-assured data approved through petition. These are treated as available hours for percent monitor availability calculations and are included in missing data lookback. |
54 | Other quality assured methodologies approved through petition. These hours are included in missing data lookback and are treated as unavailable hours for percent monitor availability calculations. |
55 | Other substitute data approved through petition. These hours are not included in missing data lookback and are treated as unavailable hours for percent monitor availability calculations. |