If a primary sorbent trap monitoring system has not been certified by the applicable compliance date specified under a State or Federal Hg mass emission reduction program that adopts the requirements of subpart I of this part, and if quality-assured Hg concentration data from a certified backup Hg monitoring system, reference method, or approved alternative monitoring system are unavailable, the owner or operator shall report the maximum potential Hg concentration, as defined in section 2.1.7 of appendix A to this part, until the primary system is certified.
For a certified sorbent trap system, a missing data period will occur in the following circumstances, unless quality-assured Hg concentration data from a certified backup Hg CEMS, sorbent trap system, reference method, or approved alternative monitoring system are available:
A gas sample is not extracted from the stack during unit operation (e.g., during a monitoring system malfunction or when the system undergoes maintenance); or
The results of the Hg analysis for the paired sorbent traps are missing or invalid (as determined using the quality assurance procedures in appendix K to this part). The missing data period begins with the hour in which the paired sorbent traps for which the Hg analysis is missing or invalid were put into service. The missing data period ends at the first hour in which valid Hg concentration data are obtained with another pair of sorbent traps (i.e., the hour at which this pair of traps was placed in service), or with a certified backup Hg CEMS, reference method, or approved alternative monitoring system.
(c) Initial missing data procedures.
Use the missing data procedures in § 75.31(b) until 720 hours of quality-assured Hg concentration data have been collected with the sorbent trap monitoring system(s), following initial certification.
(d) Standard missing data procedures.
Once 720 quality-assured hours of data have been obtained with the sorbent trap system(s), begin reporting the percent monitor data availability in accordance with § 75.32 and switch from the initial missing data procedures in paragraph (c) of this section to the standard missing data procedures in § 75.38.
Notwithstanding the requirements of paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section, if the unit has add-on Hg emission controls or is equipped with a flue gas desulfurization system that significantly reduces Hg emissions, the owner or operator shall report the maximum potential Hg concentration, as defined in section 2.1.7 of appendix A to this part, for any hour(s) in the missing data period for which proper operation of the Hg emission controls or FGD system is not documented according to § 75.58(b)(3).
In cases where the owner or operator elects to use a primary Hg CEMS and a certified redundant (or non-redundant) backup sorbent trap monitoring system (or vice-versa), when both the primary and backup monitoring systems are out-of-service and quality-assured Hg concentration data from a temporary like-kind replacement analyzer, reference method, or approved alternative monitoring system are unavailable, the previous 720 quality-assured monitor operating hours reported in the electronic quarterly report under § 75.64 shall be used for the required missing data lookback, irrespective of whether these data were recorded by the Hg CEMS, the sorbent trap system, a temporary like-kind replacement analyzer, a reference method, or an approved alternative monitoring system.
[70 FR 28679, May 18, 2005, as amended at 73 FR 4349, Jan. 24, 2008]